Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (2024)

Table of Contents


Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (1)[...]Massey University, Palmerston North



“Students are
{outing the hill?
Bil! Told.

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (2)[...]the
Seminar valuable contacts were establi-
shed and a list of resolutions were formed.
it was also resolved that regions stay in
contact, exchange ideas and information
through the New Zealand Housing Net-[...]the Housing Seminar PEP worker, for all
the time and energy she put into the Sem-
inar. Without Clare[...]ld
not have been possible. Thanks untold
Clare ‘and all the best!! Thanks to all
those who helped wit[...]ZUSA as it is recognising the
role of supporting, and promoting things
Maori and ensuring that Maori concerns
and representation filter through.

The second progre[...]be drawn between


the Maori Vice President and women's
self determination. It's a pity more peo-[...]sed legislation of Youth Rates in Sep-
tember. As.50% of students at Massey
will be affected by Youth[...]ising with the Wor-
kers Unemployed Rights Centre and will
rally around this issue on September 23rd
-[...]n, feel
free to come,up to the Boardroom or

come and see me. Meetings will be held
on Mondays and Fridays at 3.00 pm. in
the Boardroom.

The NZ Stu[...]fee from $54 to $69.

I was elected as Education and
Welfare Vice President on NZUSA for 19-

Good[...]waste of human
life.” But the assorted Koreans and Japa-
nese who went down with the Korean air—
l[...]plain why it had been in Soviet
territory for two and a half hours but it
wasn't military, I doubt it was spying,
and yet it has been lost.

This is just one of those[...]et Union. Because Commu-
nism is clearly inferior and evil, as every
American is taught, America can wave a
stick and talk of punishment and righting
wrongs. But American heavy handedness
at[...]U—boat in 1915,
which created much public anger and aid-'
ed that country’s move to war.

l know we[...]War. That one was called The
War to End All Wars, and they didn’t
even have nuclear weapons. Maybe th[...]tangi
Day Celebrations, there are now many
groups and organisations all over the
country, who, rather t[...]people’s

awareness about the true significance and .

status of the Treaty right around the
country.[...]building strong
organisations in their own areas and who
carry out activities which they feel will
bes[...]sed that they are all indepen-
dent of each other and none of them will
tolerate being bullied or told[...]when in fact many differ in the way they
operate and also in what they may seek
to achieve. At this st[...]the need for these organisations
to get together and discuss questions
which are of common concern and per—
haps reach a concensus on such questions
in order to give the movement nationally
a more c[...]groups who attended,
none of them were major ones and this
‘paved the way for what was in fact a very[...]learly wanted to_build up strong rela-

tionships and communication networks
with all the other groups present, and by
the end of the Conference this had in all
case[...]ach of the participating groups were au-
tonomous and quite independent of each
other, each group felt[...]e

To 'take an example, there was
lengthy and lively discussion on the ques-

‘tion as to ’[...]colonial interests to
further their own interests and that Wai-
tangi protest action must be directed t[...]nce was that there were a
number of Pakehas there and it was gene-
rally agreed that this was a positiv[...]ehas were

, encouraged to contribute their views and

feelings to the conference, it was made

clear t[...]uggle must be
conducted under‘ Maori leadership and
that the role of Pakeha people must be to

give i[...]conclusion of the confer-
ence, all those groups and individuals who
attended made it quite clear that they
had considered it, well worthwhile and
that the unity which had been forged
would be a v[...]redit of this conference
that this was recognised and acted on ac-

cordingly and this can only lead to the
continued advancement o[...]around
the country with ever increasing protests
and with more and more people realising
the truth about the Treaty.

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (3)[...]hange is in the wings for
New Zealand’s biggest and strongest
student association. 'The changes wit-[...]the'internecine warfare within its dele-
gation, and how this has: showed up the
lack of cohesion and petty wrangling
which has characterised the Executive's
and Officers’ functioning over the year.

The funct[...]wing year, set
priorities for third term actions, and to
discuss and act on new developments rele-
vant to students. T[...]d 9, Canterbury 7,
Massey 6, Victoria 6, Otago 6, and
Lincoln and Waikato 4 each.


Of the four offices of[...]tion, only
one was contested. Both Malcolm McLean
and Margie Thomson stood for General

Malcolm is an old MUSA worker
and had half of MUSA's vote, but Margie
found favour generally. She won 29 for,
10 for Malcolm and 3 informal.

Margie has been active in student
politics since 1981 and has a B.A. in
English Literature. She is heavily[...]rk-

Jessica Wilson stood unopposed
for President and was elected with' a
substantial majority, 38 to 4. She is
doing B.A. Honours English Literature,
and has been involved at Victoria Uni-
versity since[...]being able to ”organise twelve things at
once, and all before morning tea”. She
“doesn't mind ta[...]in office, although only with a small maj-
ority and on a second ballot. Her score of
22 for, 19 against and 1 informal shows'a
fair amount of disagreement ov[...]fOr candidates has led to
calls for Women’s VP. and Maori V.P.
to be selected by meetings other than[...]as that of Sarah Salmond,

standing for Education and Welfare
Vice President. Though Ses got in with a[...]abilities to communicate,
disseminate information and be account-

' The criticism was fair, if u[...]which MUSA did
or did not back Ses was ambiguous and in
order to ascertain where MUSA stood,
the Elect[...]admirably silenced much of
the criticism herself and said co-operation
”will be easier in NZUSA” t[...]test
change for NZUSA. It has yet to be voted
on, and this will happen next term by
postal ballot.

' T[...]-
iated with the concept of self-determina-
tion, and motions to facilitate its intro-
duction - a spec[...]l/i/WM/fl/WWW/QI


’/////////////////// '

And For Those WI

’lhinK th one; _, ‘ l

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (4)[...]. '

"The increases do not take effect
until 1984 and are the only increase in
income students are liker to get before
the beginning of 1985. Students in hostels
and flats face massive increases in fees
and rents early next year as the Price and
Rent 'Freeze' is lifted. In fact many hos-
tels h[...]othing to slow down the landslide of
unemployment and this will hit students
looking for jobs thissumme[...]rtheid system are subject to political
repression and so are unable to com-
plete their education.

'Cu[...]oard is selecting a scholar to study here
in 1984 and 1985. To ensure the Scholar:
ship Continues, NZUS[...]s
year. This campaign has been largely
successful and is now drawing'to a close.
However any further do[...]cal way of showing your opposition
to appartheid, and Offering support to
Its victims. 7

Just post you[...]forum for all practising
artists, administrators and those concer-
ned at this topic.

Articles in recent issues of Art
New Zealand and Broadsheet have discus‘
sed the emergence of a “specific and self-
consciously female art in this country”.[...], women‘rartists’ struggle for
equal standing and individual distinction
in the art world continues[...]rent
that there is a great need for local artists
and administrators to confront the issue
of women, sexism and the arts - to some
extent it affects all of us.[...]s from
many people, the NZ. Students Arts
Council and other interested individuals
have organised this meeting for all practi-
sing artists and administrators to discuss
this issue.

The progra[...]Set of Electives:

(1) Sexism in the Visual Arts and Crafts —
Why do “women” and “crafts” popular-
ly still rank second to “men” and "arts"?
(2) Sexism in Music - Does the technolo-
gical world of recording studios, sound
systems and electronic instrumentation
place women at a disad[...]e dance world
meant women dancers, choreographers
and administrators are losing ground?
(2) Sexism in F[...]right to be universal.

Administration, Policies and Funding —
Opportunity or Opposition for women?[...]rom President’s office.
Registration fee is $10 and enrolment clo-
ses on the day, 17 September.

,.[...]RAL VP

I’ve now been at Massey for
three years and I’ve got pretty disillu-
sioned with the so-Cal[...]drinkable beer,_ a
band you can hear but not see, and for
that matter you can hardly even see the
perso[...]types, a raised stage or at least tiered
seating, and hopefully an improved b'eer
supply. We’ll try to make a profit (sorry
kids no more free drinks) and give you
more free lunch time concerts, and if we
become millionaires, our own P.A. sys-

tem[...]ural activities, theme
dances of all discriptions and generally
for more of everything throughout the
y[...]ore local participa—
tion, particularly schools and T Coll.

Show your support and remember
your ID cards next week, and please keep
in contact with any ideas, suggestion[...]981 l was a PEP worker for Rezzin
Arts , Festival and did some Education
Research for MUSA. l have assisted with
Orientation and Capping and helped with
various dances at Massey. This year l[...]have
attained a good grasp of contracting skills
and organisation. I feel I have a substan-
tial resource Of cultural contacts and have
developed a good working relationship
with N[...]rts Council.
I refuse to bow down tO‘performers and
will negotiate to our level of finance and
not theirs. .They may see us as little
people who[...]tnightly.
There is a lot of untapped talent about
and l don’tsee why both parties shouldn’t
gain fr[...]ill always be available for ad-
vice, suggestions and constructive criti—
cism. If any clubs o[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (5)[...]lems are presented In
many guises. Heavy drinking and alcohol-
ism are progressive, and early identifica-
tion will be important if the s[...]xample, will
produce bodily damage in due course,
and must therefore be regarded as exces-
sive. (Equiv[...]cians, busi-
ness executives, salesmen, hoteliers and
hotel workers, members of the armed
forces and teachers.

3. Prevalence of Certain Diseases

frequent infections, frequent injuries and
accidents, insomnia, depressive states,
morning a[...]nt - espec-
ially emotional - illness of a spouse and
children, child abuse, wife beating, unex-
plaine[...]ct or un~
tidy homes.

7. Heavy Smoking, Gambling and Taking
Other Drugs.

’; Other Drug Dependence,[...]c., -
Face: puffiness, vasodilatation and
flushed appearance, parotid hyper-
plasia ("chipm[...]iders, palmar erythema, in-
creased sweating feet and hands.
Nails and Fingers: paronychiae, club-
bing, transverse white bands, trans-
verse grooves and opaque nails,
Dupuytren’s contractures.
Increas[...]trition, abnormal
liver enzymes such as GOT, GPT, and
ALP, and urinary urobilinogen in-


Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (6)[...]shall be divided: $49.00 into the General
account and $20.00 into the Building


(2) Asso[...]today. Further, that the notice
clearly be dated and shall state ”Repay~
ment may have been made sin[...]being set up
with help from Community Volunteers
and MUSA.

The response to the meeting, the
types of questions people asked, clearly
point to the need for a Ten[...]its aims were to establish itself
with an office and equipment to publicise
tenants'rights and to link up with other
social service agencies to[...]had become a commodity, rather
than a necessity, and that people were


- Applications are now o[...]e Asian Students'
Association seminar on “Youth and
Social Problems in South and Southeast

. Asia”. This seminar will be held i[...]the co-
operation of the United Nations Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and the

The seminar will focus on child
labour, slums and crime. Delegates will
also take part in an exposu[...]edge of the topics, be familiar with
NZUSA policy and with the Asian
Students' Association, and be willing to

Chaff 7 September 1983 Page 6

mak[...]RSEAS _

produce articles for student newspapers

and a report to NZUSA on return. Appli- .
cants must[...].

Applicants should include a curri-
culum vitae and other material relevant to
the application, and provide a contact
address and phone number. Applications
close 5.00 pm. on Frid[...]erned with the
inter-connections between the arts and

I Send

Post coupon
or write NOW![...]mme is as follows:

9 September:

Ian Wedde, poet and novelist. lan Wedde
is a distinguished New Zealan[...]line
Fahey is a feminist painter whose power~
ful and uncompromising paintings have

received widesprea[...]ition.

23 September:

Craig Harrison, playwright and novelist.
Craig Harrison has been acclaimed by
Me[...]nt work.

7 October:

Mervyn Thompson, playwright and dir-
ector. Mervyn Thompson’s plays have
been performed throughout New Zealand
and he is a leading director and producer.

Where appropriate, the ' speakers will[...]. Nth.
or Visit him at 551 Ruahine Street

* Visa and Bankcard Facilities

Fully Adjustable
Internal Fr[...]roundsheet

Bags suitable to

20 below zero
(Down and Holofil)
Save $22

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (7)[...]ar you moan - but wait; this is impor-
tant stuff and has implications for us all,
especially in New Ze[...]laimed in an article (“How
much can we boost IQ and scholastic
achievement” Harvard ‘ Educational[...], on average, intel-
lectually inferior to whites and therefore
(as intelligence is biologically based) it is
illogical to waste time and money educat-



On A[...]detained under the country's “terrorism
act”, and held incommunicado in Port
Elizabeth. On Septembe[...]her service in Soweto,
a 15 year old boy was shot and killed by
the police. '

The apartheid regime felt differ-
ently, and delegates to the Transvaal
provincial congress of[...]lack South African Students'
Organisation (SASO), and honorary pres-
ident of the Black People’s Convention
(BPC) and leader of the black conscious-
ness movement insi[...]massive resurgence of fascism through-
out Europe and the States.

The connections between people
like Jensen and Eysenk, Fascism and race
'science' is well documented. In the last
20[...]e emerged in Europe. Most have large
circulations and many respected contri-
buting writers, including Jensen and
Eysenk. In reality these journals repre-
sent the[...]international
quarterly journal dealing with race and
inheritance in the fields of Ethnology,
Ethno and human genetics, Ethno-
Psychology, racial history, demography
and Anthro—geography".

The journal has a large num[...]Apartheid, paying regular visits
to South Africa and writing for the
Journal of Racial Affairs - the propaganda

as "group pride, and the determination
by blacks to rise and attain the envisaged
self". lt'meant basically that black people
should, and must, appreciate their value
as human beings, a v[...]regime could not tolerate. So Biko was
murdered, and then the black conscious-
ness movement, including SASO and
BPC, was banned.

It was a response typical of th[...]me, which will not tolerate
criticism or dissent, and has developed an
incredibly repressive array of l[...]te


We have no heroes and no wars

only victims of a sickly state
succumbin[...]under lashing rains of hate.

We have no battles and no fights

for history to record with trite remark
only captives killed on eye/ess nights
and accidental dyings in the dark.

Yet when the roll[...]Christianity survive when Jews
control the Media and the Money" and

’ ¢er¢ . .

The Mankind Quarterly has links[...]ociety for “Biological Anthro-
pology, Eugenics and the study of Behav-
iour". The publication regula[...]rterly. The
contents of both are overtly anti Jew and
Black and carry on the tradition of Hans
Gunther (a prominent Nazi race scientist
of the 19305 and 19405).

The editor of the Neue Anthro-
pologie openly supported the Nazi policy
of Nordic reunification and has spoken
to fascist party meetings in Europe. Many
writers and advisors on this publication
are also involved wi[...]H.W. Hammerbucher is a good
example of the people and links involved.
“He is a publisher who frequent[...]. Its publisher
is Waldermar Schulz, ex Waffen SS and a
member of the N.P.D. National Commit-
tee”. Both journals have links with Jensen
and Eysenk. ' ,

Two other publications worth
mentioning are lNouvelle Ecole’ and
’Beacon’, both promote fascist-racist
views and both have feature work by
Eysenk, and praised Jensen’s work in the
field of racial in[...]Front, the Northern League
(European Nazi Party) and the South
African regime.

The popularity of these ideas is
gaining ground - even at Massey, Eysenk
and Jensen are presented in the Psychology
Department as serious and valid academics.

Much of Jensen’s work has been
proved to be unsound and some data he
employs has been fabricated, so why does
he and others maintain an acceptance in
the scientific w[...]is recognised as being the main
reason their work and reputations are
propounded and maintained with such

Personally I[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (8)[...]ts to an in viro situation
may be inappropriate - and how
is the applicability determined?

If disrupti[...]to videotape the
pertinent responses (or lack of)
and contrast them to normal

cats with intact brains[...]ist, racist or offensive.

Complaints, criticisms and digs can be

of study here (so far), the ethical[...]As for masturbating -
doesn’t everyone do it? And
what’s wrong with that anyway.
You make it sound so self-
defeating and sordid. I agree that
we have a lack of emergency[...]elf in dirty, dark
places with the fear of public
and police‘harassment hanging
over you. ,

The leng[...]’s the
contents that are important,
hom*osexuals and heterosexuals
are fairly similar in this respect.[...]t accept yourself, don’t
have pride in yourself and don’t
take responsibility for yourself.
Your ra[...]erceive.

I only hope you can get
it all together and accept your
hom*oSexuality without dragging
anyone[...]a dreaded concept test. Duti—
fully wash hands and a sapphire
leaps down the waste pipe.

’Miss th[...]one? Thanks to the co-opera-
tion of the lecturer and the
plumber all was well. ,

I have the sapphire and
await the results of the test.
Many thanks to all[...]al decay,

' but a decay in attitudes, clothing,

and the desire to improve one’s

My father cam[...]Pounds to his
name. He now earns $28,000
per year and lives in an $100,000
house. He goes on overseas trips
and travels round New Zealand
too. This example of im[...]ed from my generation.

We tend to be in a groove
and are unwilling or apathetic
to try 'and get out of it. We relax
into it and in that relaxing the
decay sets in. We catch on to
“trendy” movements and dye
our hair, or wear uncouth
clothes with funny[...]money goes into these “art
nouveau” movements and some-
times masculine- or feminine
qualities are[...]bly
with some people.

The state of the econ-
omy and employment opportun-
ities should not be an obsta[...]s, the army life en;
'vironment taught discipline and
determination. People who

could not adapt to the harshness
and moral lactitude there were
the 'types who would n[...]of their Victorian
grandmothers’ books on dress
and decorum today, I feel, to try
and halt the social decay.

Not all of today’s scen-
ario is the individual’s fault, but
someone with drive and deter-
mination and. a good sense of
right, wrong, and the proper way
to conduct oneself has a good
chan[...]it is
one that has caused me a great
deal of pain and anger recently.

I am appalled to read of
the increase in rape and violence
towards women, and I ask my-
self why this might be so. Are
men feeling threatened by the
rise of a feminist consciousness
and women’s increasing indepen-
dence from male sup[...]think it’s
imperative that we women of all
ages and cultures, heterosexual
or lesbian, join together[...]ere are
doubtless many things that
divide us now, and that will con-
tinue to cause disagreement, but

it is imperative that somehow we
find our common experience
and use it to build a better

Ah but sometimes I
feel very tired and I just want to
read Emily Dickenson or listen
to[...]g for
women. Although the going gets
pretty tough and thankless at
times, if we give up the fight we
played that rare ability to open
your mouth and make acomplete
fool of yourself.

Your letter (3[...]a typing or com-
munication error. I gave my
name and not that of some mor-
onic peasant.

With regard[...]he paper drop-

A ping off Phil’s press release and

the lady asked me to clarify a
few points.

So n[...]d to believe you have friends)
by slandering Phil and I, I’m
afraid you failed. All you suc-

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (9)[...]men organised
-by the YWCA. Its focus was on rape and
sexual violence to women and children,
an area which has received considerable[...]political mileage from it: it is a time-
honoured and successful method used by
men to keep women and children in their

The purpose of a high-p[...]ness
—to change public attitudes
-—to discuss and evaluate presnet govern-
ment institutions '

—[...]as hardly likely that we would
be a unified group and yet the conference
appeared to be founded on this[...]issuing the challenge, predom—
inantly lesbians and working-class women,
were generally dismissed as[...]for the entire weekend for Maori,
Pacific Island and women of colour who
were also free to attend any[...]ducation
programmes, p*rnography, sexual violence
and mass media, setting up an incest
survivor’s group and alternative for abused
children. In theory most workshops indi-
cated productive and stimulating discus-
sion; in practice the ones I[...]wo days
focussed continually on rape, child rape,
and sexual abuse; for most of us this was
no academic[...]cture theatres made real
communication ,difficult and for many
women unfamiliar with university facilit[...]l weekend in work-
shops as media representatives and taking
sessions. For whatever reason they’were[...]are the perpetrators of violence‘
against women and children and it was an

insult to expect women 'to feel com-
fortable and participate fully in discussion
when we were led to expect a women—only

Rape and sexual violence has be-
come something of a trend[...]le because of its

white middle—class structure and as such
has received all the legitimisation it ne[...]of work in the area of
sexual violence for years, and have largely
been ignored. In this city the Rape Crisis
Centre is struggling to survive financially
and is constantly battling for money from
various fun[...]e
dies down, the conference booklet is pro-
duced and Jim McLay gets his Deputy
Leadership, Rape Crisis[...]till be seriously limited
through lack of finance and women. will
still. be raped. Conferences like the[...]only allowed to look at the issue of
rape so far and no further. The silence
which camouflages sexual[...]omen are chal-
lenged - that it is both a product and a tool
of this women‘hating culture.


Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (10)emai—


On 17 and 18 August the Massey
University Students’ Assoc[...]commodation within
their means.

Many interesting and alternative
solutions to this frightful problem w[...]t the constitutional differ-
ences between owners and occupiers - the
fundamental economic crux of the[...]e end of the 2 day Seminar, 21 strong set
ofideas and principled statements emerged
and are pointed out at the end of this
article. Only[...]in this seminar can those with the
responsibility and means to solve the
housing problem be encouraged[...]-
ing, outlined how he saw the housing
situation, and gave Labour’s policy for a
solution. '

Evidenc[...]nd in the in-
creasing number of emergency houses and
a growing length of stay in them, the in-
houses, growing numbers of mortgage
sales, and gloomy reports from social
agencies on homelessne[...]blem, he
claimed, were a rundown in state housing
and private rental numbers, gentrification
of old hom[...]prices, an increase in the number of
family units and larger numbers forming

The Governmen[...]p the pool of state houses being dimin— =
isged and to make better use of existing
housing stock. Lab[...]mortgage payment. The
use of alternative housing and tenancy
reform would also be advocated.

Idealism[...]of services involving
the central fabric of life and security.

Janet Brannigan ended her deliv-
ery b[...]ducing some people’s entitle-
ment to benefits, and the rising cost of
living, the housing problem for the un—
employed is sure to increase. N o wonder
squats and empty house registers are
being posed as-extreme[...]es to living, to slight modifi-
cations of rental and home purchase as
they exist now. '


Te[...]ined the areas
where reform is desperately needed and
some possible solutions. The main areas
of concer[...]ularities
over eviction, opposing excessive rents
and initial payments, return of bonds and
intrusion on tenants’ rights of privacy.
His su[...]Australian model on which
reform should be based and the need for

comprehensive tenancy legislation t[...]he
general sector, nearly 40% still lived at
home and 15% were in halls of residence
and would, therefore, face the problems
sooner or lat[...]g policy must be that housing
is a social service and should be provided
to all at a cost related to in[...]g should not be a commodity, to
be speculated in, and regarded as a source
of private profit.”

to New Zealand‘s ‘own-your-own’ and
nuclear family tendencies.

Nigel Pilalis, Wellington Housing
Trust spoke on establishing a housing

trust and Charles Waldegrave, Lower Hutt.

Anglican Social[...]representing a group whose
rights are ill-defined and unenforceable
and against whom the weighty laws of
property ownersh[...]ington City Council has
shown some responsibility and recogni-

' tion of the housing problem. One of t[...]which requires
change in our notions of financing and
collective construction.


At the[...]two day session,
remaining delegates got together and
formulated the following statements:

This Seminar:
—feels housing is a basic need and not a


—we believe housing should be for people,
not profit.

—believes that political and economic
pressures have resulted in the lack of l[...]ight to adequate
accommodation especially workers and
those on fixed incomes.

—deplores present housing shortages
for these groups and recognizes that the
Government and local bodies have a
major role in providing accom[...]of letting agen-
cies profiting from the homeless and asks
that they be closed.

—the Seminar recognizing homelessness is
a fact andand demands that a system of rent con-
trols and security of tenure be introduced
to ensure that tenants’ rights and con-
ditions are safeguarded.

_the Seminar suppo[...]he Seminar
resolved that they would keep in touch
and exchange ideas through the New
Zealand Housing Ne[...]re, but he
was not, ‘he claimed, representative and
anyway he “didn’t expect reasoned debate
in a[...]duty of those with

_the responsibility - Central and Local

Government — to take up the call and
actually do something.

Peter Cooke.

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (11)[...]n suffer an almost total
deprivation of political and legal rights.

Dominating the lack of political
This has left them politically power-
less, and enabled the apartheid regime to
enact whatever la[...]ntroduction of apartheid
using civil-disobedience and peaceful

protest were waged throughout the
19505, until the apartheid regime effec-
tively crushe[...]t was the “Suppression
of Communism Act” of 1950. This de-
clared in effect that the striving for[...]—
tional crime to entering the area. Whip-
ping and imprisonment were made com-
pulsory sentences for[...]two mass African political
organisations the ANC and PAC (Pan
Africanist Congress) were both outlawed[...]s of
interrogation, including torture, of
accused and witnesses.

1963 also saw the beginning Of
heavy political censorship under the
“Publications and Entertainment Act".
Some 12,000 publications have[...]ny act whatsoever, with intention
to endanger alw and order, or ‘cause

feelings of hostility between the white
and other inhabitants of the Republic'.
From then on,[...]altered rules of
evidence to aid the prosecution, and once
again made presumption of guilt which
the ac[...]have been detained, including
107 schoolchildren and students.
“Known” has meaning here because th[...]ity Act (ISA) allows
for incommunicado detention, and if
someone does find out you have been
detained,[...]from attending
a gathering of two or more people, and
are normally placed under House Arrest.
One perso[...]r they had died.


Torture is widespread, and offici-
ally condoned. So much so that 57 pol-

Two of the most common forms
are beatings and solitary confinement for
months at a time (causin[...]strangulation with wet
towels, sleep deprivation and electric
shocks. Detainees are forced to sit in a[...]ndcuffed, with a
stick forced between their knees and
elbows. A plastic bag is pushed over the
head covering the eyes. Clips are then put
on thumbs, toes, temples and genitals,
and electric shocks are administered.

One method use[...]ks, or having a
paraffin tin placed over the head and

Prison conditions often add to the
tortu[...]undermined: black mine W0

Asians 30 cents a day, and ’coloureds'
and Africans received 15 cents worth of
food a day.[...]ined in 1964 was subjected to fre-
quent beatings and electric shock torture.
In 1979 he was convicted of “terrorism”,
and helping organise the Soweto uprisings.
Despite be[...]e most famous political pris-
oners in the world, and was forced to
spend almost twenty years under the[...]ie Mandela, is also subject to
frequent detention and maltreatment,
and is currently "banned". During the
Rivonia Trial (1963-64) of Nelson Man-
dela and others, even many of the wit-
nesses were torture[...].

The apartheid regime doesn’t stop
at torture and murder of detainees, but is
also engaged in an ac[...]t victims are Ruth
First, of the ANC, an academic and jour-
nalist, who was‘murdered by a letter
bomb, and Abraham Tiro, President of
the South African Stud[...]ssive arsenal though. There are
now some 120 laws andand consumer boycotts. As
with most othr laws, the on[...]until proven innocent. -

Meetings can be banned, and are,
for a number of reasons, and police
have almost total powers of search[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (12)[...]itator (Jessica
Wilson) rather than a chairperson and
informal, unstructured discussion.

The facilitator did not organise
the discussion andand powers as the General
Meeting with which it is as[...]on could
have Women’s Caucus set up as an equal
and opposite legislature, converting
NZUSA Councils i[...]y
claim the change would be detrimental
for NZUSA and that the best way to fight
a common problem is wi[...]roach. -

Separatism, Paulette Keating,
Education and Welfare Vice President,
said is ”abdicating res[...]aking process
is not realistic when we “believe and want

» completely different things".

It is not[...]e'

goals. It is not cutting off chunks of

NZUSA and throwing them away, as»

one constituent suggested. NZUSA is now
” a coalition of sectoral interests” and
people must accept this.

A men’s caucus was he[...]aori. Both the position of
a Maori Vice President and the creation
of a Maori Standing Committee (Nga
Toki) and Commission were approved by
the meeting.

» Like the special plenary to decide
on the MVP, Nga Toki and the Commis-
sion will operate in a mana'Maori fas[...]ns commis-
sion, decision making is by consensus,
and by voting if a consensus is not
reached. Section[...]ga Rangatahi gatherings, as well
as both Councils and two other times.
Another subject covered at Coun-[...]offers
courses in Te Reo, martial arts, business
and Maori things in general. A Batchelor
in Maori Administration is offered at
present. There are 12 full~time and 5
part-time students, and 5 official staff.

For overseas students, Council[...]onal Executive
with full moving,seconding, voting and
attendance rights. The co-ordinator's
position wi[...]ear, run August
to August rather than May to May, and
Emele will have full-time employment
over summer.[...]n at Council. Hazel Arm-
strong of the Caretakers and Cleaners
Union Wellington outlined the four pro-[...]3.33; 18 year olds - $3.61;
19 year olds - $3.90; and $4.01 for 20
year olds.

Thirdly, it could freeze[...]$2.60 for 18 year olds; $2.29 for 19 year
olds; and $3.25 for 20 year olds. By this
scheme a 15 year[...]for further details on the youth
rates proposals, and get involved on the
Day of Youth Action, 23 Septe[...]be
too healthy. It is "vague, clumsy, un-
wieldy and time~consuming” according to
Alison Taylor of t[...]onal
Council with a National Management
Committee and Regional Branches would
get round the “lack of[...]n increase of
.90c over this year. An additional .500
per head will also be levied to pay for the
re-s[...]her reports by delegates on var-
ious commissions and personal accounts
of MUSA’s performance will gi[...]he energy gone?)

NEWAC is the National Education
and Welfare Action Committee of NZUSA.
Its major function is to discuss ways to
action priorities and policy from both
Welfare and Education Commissions at
NZUSA Councils and Standing Commit-
tee meetings. Due to the election of
NZUSA officers for 1984 running over
the allotted time and various other
agenda changes, NEWAC had very litt[...]ission set priori-
ties for term three as the TAG and Ouin-
quennium submissions and for term one,
1984, as the TAG, and Lecturer Training/
Assessment. These are very important
areas and in the case of the TAG and
assessment slow progress does not accur-
ately re[...]r training is a
very important issue for students and it-is
good to see it at last reach the priorities[...]ofiled in term one next
year you have infbrmation and arguments
that have been well thought out and can
be followed through.

Ouinquennium Submission[...]r term three as Youth Rates, Student
Unemployment and Ouinquennium Sub-
missions. Priorities for term one of 1984
were set as Accommodation and Student is planned to incorp-
orate the issues of bursaries and hard—

ship with unemployment. Youth Rates

was[...]tion of Youth
Rates legislation will have on over 50%

_ of the student population (those under

twenty). These students could be earn-
ing up to 50% less than they did last
summer for doing the same jobll The
priorities of Accommodation and Stu-
dent Unemployment speak for them-
selves as[...]Rates sticker, post-
cards, posters, new stickers and'infrom-
ation kits. So watch out around 'campus
w[...]avy academic work-
load for the rest of this term and a desire

S‘ill'Rh‘d) PH \ l II"

"Free and democratic education"—a basic demand
of the Bra[...]under—
stand exactly what Youth Rates will
mean and oppose them strenuously. I
hope to get some information out on
stress management and relaxation tech-
niques (especially for exams) and also to
work on the Ouinquennium Submission.
Also odds and ends on various surveys,
Unemployment and the EUB (Emergency
Unemployment Benefit). Good luck with
exams and look out for the petition
opposing Youth R[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (13)[...]ational
issues has had a checkered past. Students
and trade unions led the way in New
Zealand in the anti-Vietnam War move-
ment and students helped establish the
Halt All Racist Tours movement.

But that was all at least ten years
ago and today it would appear that
students no longer car[...]im that international affairs do
not concern them and anyway what can
they do about it all.

The main concern of the student
movement (both NZUSA and constituent
members such as MUSA) is to present
i[...]ssues to students, to make
students aware of them and present the
"unofficial" side of things. This oft[...]dent move-
ment have been based on sound evidence
and analysis.

As to the two charges presented
above.[...]r. New Zealand is part-of the
international arena and presents its views
as New Zealand (usually). New[...]have an effect as far as
New Zealand is concerned and New
Zealand can also in the many international
forums of which it is a part.

To this end, both MUSA and
NZUSA formulate policy on what we
think about issues and what we can do to
ensure that people are aware of[...]he United States' military action
within Honduras and against Nicaragua.

activities were well attended by students
and further activities to take place with
the visit o[...]vincible, soon. The Invincible is nuclear
powered and was also involved in the
Malvinas/Falklands war.[...]ing on overseas students as far as
intake numbers and course preferrences

are concerned. The National Overseas
Student Action Committee (NOSAC)

and the NOSAC Co-ordinator (Emele
Duituturanga) are the representatives of

overseas students within NZUSA and
international commission made moves to
enable the committee and the co—ordinator
work more easily and effectively.

y K ‘e TV I'M

4. The final and most pressing con-
cern was the Southern Africa S[...]t be

- able to attend a university for one year

and has been sponsored by NZUSA. The
only criteria is[...]their own country. Black students in
South Africa and Namibia are severely

restricted, apartheid contr[...]n 1984 but
there are many problems of an official
and financial nature. .

A great deal of effort will[...]iscussed policy that affects both women
on campUs and women in general.

New policy under discussion was:

Educational material.

the workforce and in times of economic
hardship and high unemployment this
right is constantly threat[...], in
small isolated workplaces (e.g. retail
shops and offices) where their rights
could be, and are, easily invaded. These
women need good, stron[...]nt conference of the Inter-
national Gay Alliance and International
Lesbian Information Secretariat decided
to declare 1984 International Year .of
Gay and Lesbian Action. NZUSAsupports
this decision, giving recognition to Les-
bianism and Gay Identification as positive
forms of sexual and political identity.

5. Third World.

Multination[...]s have for
many years exploited third world women
and children through their promotion of

their commercial support for Nestles
products, and urges the New Zealand
Government to implement the[...]ssed work
done on campuses during the second term
and considered areas of action in the next

In[...]emphasis was
placed on the unemployment campaign
and how unemployment affects women.

Areas of work fo[...]hout
the committee's sessions -~ Lincoln,
Waikato and Massey. While this may truly
reflect the lack of[...]s meet. The lack of involvement is
understandable and the reality for
‘NZUSA may be that most oversea[...]ion against overseas students. It is true
that by and large our campaigns are
mainly submissions and publicity, but
nevertheless the issues are being[...]ms on
the agenda with stimulating discussion
here and there. (There is quality in small
numbers). Repor[...]loyment will be offered to the
NOSAC co-ordinator and that the word-
inator’s term of office will be[...]Education
Amendment Act 1979 that imposed the
$1,500 fee for non-Pacific overseas stu-
dents. Policy[...]at

some future date.

The Women's Vice President and
the President elect have been requested
to discus[...]n New Zealand should be en—
couraged to provide and use educational

2. Nuclear issues again dominate[...]ternational issue students do feel
strongly about and NZUSA has very com-
prehensive policy in this area. Both
super powers are recognised as the prob-
lem and NZUSA supports many groups
involved in presenting the issues. to

Hiroshima Day and anti-Texas

material that breaks down existing stereo-
types of sex, class and race.

2. Voluntary Unionism.

The introduction o[...]ect women. It will lead to increased
intimidation and exploitation of workers,
especially women[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (14)[...]ar-
counter available in two colours,
burnt black and Ash (gray).

1. What would you do if an


c) Find another local (seeing
as Fitz, Al and Magic-stick
all bit the big one).

2. Are you afr[...]ne wins before
we were vaporised.

c) Pray to God and his wisdom.

d) Dig a bloody deep hole.

10. Are[...]b) Hope someone decided

c) Answer some questions.

d) What questionnaire?

to decide

15. How deep[...]your shelter?

a) 1.

b) Family only.

c) Family and friends.

d) Allright, but you must dig if
you st[...]world security. 60%
thought they were not needed, and
20% claimed such weapons are
needed for offensive[...]powered vessels. The same number
favoured ANZUS, and nuclear power
for power generation.

What can we[...]p the whole world to be a
sham. I think I’ll go and have an



A[...]when it
contains a textbook you can no
longer buy and notes for the
year on some of my subjects.

If yo[...]this is beyond you, go
to hell.

Yours f*cked off and
f*cked up student.

PS. This happened on Saturday
the 3rd, between 11.30 and 2.00.
Don’t think it won’t happen to
you beca[...]stretch out before us. One path
leads to survival and life, the
other leads to possible annihil-
ation and death. All humanity
has arrived at this juncture[...]ting a
child; where half the world’s
scientists and engineers are
involved in armaments, in the
death[...]d provide adequate food,
water, education, health and
housing for everyone in the
world. This massive s[...]st be seen against a
background of a world where
450 million people are estimated
to be undernourished, 800 mill-
ion are illiterate, 250 million
children under 14 years do not
attend school and about 750,000
a month die slowly from pre-

ventable inf[...]ach have a personal
responsibility for the future and
to our neighbours. Christians are
called to be peacemakers. Peace

is the fruit of love and concern '

for the welfare of others. A will-
ing[...]irly. It calls for a
passion for economic justice and
a faith in the response of our
neighbour to love and goodwill.
It is the fulfilling of the words
ofJes[...]o to
you, do ye so unto them; for
this is the law and the prophets”.

In order to lessen and
eventually remove the risk of
war, new policies a[...]ways
designed to further the inter-
ests of peace and reduce ten-

The United Nations has
military installations on our terr-
itory and declare a policy of
neutrality. We should give ou[...]f the moral principles

we give lip-service to and often
profess to believe. Love and
goodwill towards one’s neighbour

and its practical expression is the '

requirement of a more just and
peaceful world. The reply of
governments that such is weak-
ness and will be taken advan-
tage of has brought us to ou[...]mstances. We face
the choice of sharing our world
and its resources as one people,
or facing mutal anni[...]or if it is merely because people
dislike Phoebe and me because
of our blatant presence.

I was wa[...]me people
don’t like seeing a child on cam-
pus and have heard it said that
‘a solo mum shouldn’t[...]nce of helping organise
1981 Rezzin Arts Festival and
being co-director of 1983 'Spec-
tral Arts Festiv[...]many others who
can lay claim to that experience
andand the anxiety due
to it.

The there is the case
you are, for your vote of confi-
dence in us and to everyone who
voted for me. I have been nomi-
nated to stand again and am
going to battle it thru cos I still
feel I am[...]the fact that I have a child, who
is really neat, and I am not
married. Get to know us. We’re
not really all that bad.

Spike (and Phoebe).

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (15)[...]Party's little civil war
between its progressive and moderate fac-
tions brings into question the viab[...]- are a spent
force, beyond their moment of glory and

in line for a slow, gradual, decline, then,

you[...]he future
of left-wing politics may be uncertain.
And the strife currently plaguing the New
Zealand Lab[...]ing steps away from the trad-
itional disciplines and loyalties of the
Labour Party". He visited the Te[...]itter at defeat, hit back at

Anderton and accused the President of
"organising his supporte[...]nderton
holding both the party President position
and a political seat. But the real concern
is that he[...]-
left" dominance on theparty's present
executive and represents the "organis-
ational and activistrwing” of the party.

Anderton’s supp[...]said, would return party leadership to a
“quiet and more compliant role".

Amid all this, Lange must try to
mediate and moderate the excesses of
division. He doesn’t a[...]he election, but our deposit in a
lot of seats".


that came up at the recent Labour[...]Honours List, close the South African
Consulate, and recognise such liberation
fronts as the PLO, ANC and SWAPO (both
the latter fighting against South Afr[...]ted. He said,
“All parties have their mavericks and it is
in the desirable democratic system that
the[...]t not listened to".

The reality facing Labour and its
left-right dilemma falls somewhere
between de Cleene’s extremes in censor-
ship and Australian Prime Minister Bob
Hawke's comment, “If left-wing parties
were to regain power and hold it, they
had to come to terms with the fact[...]aland or have resided in New
Zealand for one year and have resided in
Palmerston North for three months[...]rth, the Council is conducting the
ballot by post and it is hoped that this
will increase the interest[...]to around

If you satisfy the above criteria
and want to exercise your right to vote,
enrol now.[...]e City Council or
the Students Association Office and re-
turned by 9th September.

This little exercis[...]e able to assist.

Only students in Ferguson Hall
and those resident in accommodation in
the city are e[...]y is Still My Name/Walking Tall wellington. Tel: 850661
. or or contact your local campus agent
Thursday 29 September 2001. A Space Odyssey 61 Shorfland St

Auckland. Tel: 399-191 MASSEY TRAVE L[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (16)[...]ce rhythm.
They have a fine feel for their music, and
what’s more, they do everything with a
glint.[...]others. A reputation of raw melodic repeti-
tion, and a cheeky keenness, was then esta-

The n[...]shows
what they think of the whole industry!

And is their disk worth your proverbial

buckaroo? Wi[...]"Funky Conversations" is the most
enjoyable piece and best reflects The Stones’
hypnotic musings. It[...]ointless wanderings (around Dunedin pre-
sumably) and asking mirrors on the wall,
“What’s it all fo[...]ad world, scared world. If you
survive this song, and still think Berlin was
a gloomy 'heaving of the l[...]Stones. It's another bombshell from Flying
None, and nothing at all to do with Japan.

Peter Cooke

cr[...]ge Nights/Son of Chronos. Play-
ed by Bill Direen and Al Mead. "Dead
Heat" is a claustraphobic family p[...]ng for a letter from an
old flame, saying “Come and marry me
next year . . . I’ll be quiet and good/be lit-
tle red riding hood/l will never tur[...]mb world. ”Star-
ry Days” packs more into one and a half
minutes than many manage to get into an
entire album. "Russian Rug” is hypnotic,
and strangely soothing.

HIGH 30’S PIANO —— thi[...]a good time was had by all.

That may seem like, and probably
is, a presumptuous statement, but the
wh[...]ved. ;

Technically, the record stands
alongside, and often surpasses, the ”Sch-
wimmen” EP in terms of clarity and un-
cluttered depth - it doesn’t take Oodles of[...]this song loops, swirls (forget
the adjectives!) and there's the droning,
yearning backing vocals to a[...]entally this has ex Toy Love Mike
Dooley on drums and Chris Knox on org-
an and backing vocals):

"You feel like an alien,

Run o[...]g carefully,
that line could read "outer space” and so
who is the alien?

"Sing to the air in the mou[...]Direen has the ability to mix

’ the perceptive and thoughtful with the

ing at excellent live perfor[...]ed on the re-
cord at all. Eight songs (.I think) and some
filler-bits as well. Among these are four
wh[...]edrock Bay" (a Direen classic, so 1 un-
derstand) and “Outer Date World". Also
there's “Dead Heat"[...]tever album has been going around
since last year and was at one stage under
the working title “Janet[...]are Bill Direen with
Malcolm Grant on much of the
and Campbell McLay doing most of the
bass playing. Doug Hood hada hand in

eccentric and” unique to create songs
which strike at the rot[...]talented musi-
cal unit who channel their talents and in-
fluences (we all have both) wisely and

(above all) successfully (I'm not talk[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (17)[...]trip to New Zealand,
unsure ofthe natives' humour and their
reaction to him. Monday night's perfor-
Other props were kept to the bare mini-
mum and even the stage'set was simplisi-
tic in its desig[...]have been seen before but
with Atkinson vivacity and humour they
never become 'old hat’. “Conductor",
Wedding 1,2 and 3", ”The Devil” and
”Schoolmaster" were some of the ’repeats'
son’s satire. According to him, Barry
Manilow and all Americans should be in
Hell, sipping hot urine (Premier Cuvee
being too much of a punishment). Bob
Jones and The New Zealand Party were
let off a bit lighter,[...]lying on the movement, or distortion,
of his face and limbs. Asa bored church-
goer in “Church” and a tights-clad
amateur actor in “Elizabethan Act[...]ths he suggests, Such as
taking out your eyeballs and frying them
for your loved one, he allows us to e[...]to

No Idea, a Levin band were the first
up and went through a series of originals
and covers. There was not much reaction
from the asse[...]isting of
Snail Clamps regulars, local band types and
an increasing number of out of town and
Lower Hutt boot boys and girls.

It was becoming increasingly obvi-
ous as[...]e door people, it soon proved imposs-
ible to try and convince people recovering
from full frontal lobo[...]—Vice arrived half way
through the No Idea aset and the police ar—
rived ten minutes later.

All ac[...]n over, No I

Idea finished their set unperturbed and
then, da da, enter Eugene. This guy has to
be one[...]In between cracking
tubes, he was cracking jokes and chiding
the audience.

"Alright all you‘people.[...]ir devoted fans

J'When we do you'd better'get up and

dance. Hey you people at the back, you'd
better get up and dance. If you don’t l can
throw bottles that fa[...]tle melee in which
the side curtain was torn down and a few
people fallen on.

Enter Flesh D— Vice. H[...]eople
on stage, all passing bottles to each other
and generally looking tough. As the music
it was obvi[...]bly a side‘ effect from the
frontal lobotomies) and small groups mena-
cing each other and the band.

With the first bit of dirge over, Eu-[...]up the back, you’d
better come up the front now and dance.
We’ re not going to get any better."

Another piece of dirge and then
“What’s the matter Palmerston North,can'[...]ll the stage micro-
phones were damaged or broken and the

'stage and Snail Clamps were converted into

a seething cesspit of sweating bodies, bro-
ken beer bottles and general anarchy.

I don’t think they’ll be invited back
for a while and I don’t think they’re doing
anything that was[...]an eminent
Physicist is disturbed from his study and
his slumber by a Communist-hating
Senator, a vivacious blonde actress and a'
gum-popping baseball player. We know all
these[...]on? The
story unfolds through the wee small
hours and each of their lives change

Director, D[...]believes Insig-
nificance is made up of 95% fact and 5%

This incredible new play by Terry
Jo[...]at the
Royal Court Theatre in LondOn in July
1982 and its season at Centrepoint will be
another North I[...]o
in the Court Theatre production), Peter
Bennett and Carmel McGlone.

lnsignificance opens on Saturday,
September 10th, so make up a party and
have a great night out.

For bookings phone 89-329 or
call at the box office between 10am and
6pm, Monday to Friday.

‘ Student discount price is $6. 50
on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday for
the first t[...]pm. each night if there
are vacant seats. Only $5.50.


New Complex now at 166 The Square

specialists in

0 sound and light hire

records and tapes

0 Check our hit price record and tape bins

pluS/ upstairs to our

. musical instrument department

0 separate classical records and tapes

In fact for all your musical requir[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (18)[...]ance on the end of the rod,
then blowing, shaping and colour-
ing the glass all on your own.

i ARTIST[...]nace,,.
annealing (tempering) oven, lpg cylinders
and buckets of lead crystal has been set
up for three days. Glass is 3000 years
old, and the Auckland blower Garry
Nash is not. '

This un[...]Arts Council. '

"It gives people a chance to see
and talk to an artist ’in action'," says
Council Di[...]ar to
get the project on the road. Garry
designed and constructed the studio him-
self with much of the[...]this year’s art

INdependant KENYA $23.50

Authors : the Kenyan authors of.this book
have t[...]areness

SEXISM : the male monopoly on history
and thought.

M. Janssen-Jurreit $18.50
Covers the ma'or debates of early
feminism in T i[...]ited, so be in early.

Workshop application forms and
further information may be
obtained from the Stud[...]Byzantine glassblowers were
exempt from taxation. and during the
Rannaisance, it was the only professio[...]gage without loss Of rank. The medium of
glass is 5000 years old.

Garry Nash first became interested[...]ing the

liquid molten bubble of glass's growth
' and shape. “All I want to do is make

, His[...].Croall 8: K’ Sempler $8.98

Informative, amusm and alarming.

% Wiiters 8: Readers%)
00 .

portant than colour. His emphasis on
planning and the fixed idea he has of
what a piece will be bef[...]ts blow-
ing sets him apart from most New Zealand
and overseas glassblowers.

Garry Nash doesn't work w[...]the rigid idea of what he
wants he’ll scrap it and start again.

According to the arts council,
a vigorous new generation of glassblowers
are exhibiting and selling glass in an un-
precedented volume all ov[...]of this movement but the widespread uses
of glass and the already thriving ceramics
industry here, indi[...]h to the art, saying we are
"vigorous, innovative and inventive in
terms of the technology we have achi[...]s the growth
of the glass movement both worldwide
and in New Zealand. It also includes
detailed plans f[...]e Marsden; from
10am until 5pm on September 12,13 and
14. In the mornings he will be blowing
and demonstrating glass techniques and in
the afternoons he will be running work-
are the OE ll Arts Council, Rockgas and
Hertz. ‘

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (19)[...]their instruments. Cut to length,
slung in racks and hit with bats made
out of rubber jandals, they be[...]hop on
the way to the show.“ In Dunedin
City A. and T. Burt Ltd supplied a
new, PVC pipe, although th[...]ways believed in
the invention of new instruments and
sounds, and have held fast to the right
of a Scratch musician[...]e drums, oxy—
acetylene bottles, bicycle wheels andand Don McGlashan -
presented their work ‘Gung H0 1.2,}
D‘ to campus audiences. Their racks
of pipes and assortment of drone
instruments produced complex[...]. This work crossed
the borders between sculpture and
music — how it looked was as
important as how i[...]stival in Papua-New Guinea, at
the Paris Bienalle and in New York-
have demonstrated the international
significance of the group’s work, and
in particular the compositions of Elam
residence of a piano ttmer who had
just died, and the tour tnanagcr had to
make sensitive attempts to retrieve it.

selected theatres, cinemas and retail stores.

The effort was well worth it[...]in
1.960 with this Three Out jazz trio to
perform and tour in Australia and
Europe, and arrived in the United
States in 1961 on a scholar[...]land‘s most
internationally acclaimed composers
and performers. His performing
career has encompassed many musical
idioms, and he has worked with many
of America‘s top modern musician‘s.
He has been acclaimed by audiences
and critics in the States, Canada,
Europc and Australia. Since 1978,
with the emergence of seve[...]ock has been moving
beyond the boundaries of jazz and
concentrating on his career as a solo

No[...]and, visiting every couple of
years to see family and friends, and to
play a few concerts. It was not until
1982 that he received the acclaim and
recognition in New Zealand that this
genius dcs‘crvcd. His visit in 1982 was
to compose and record a movie
soundtrack, bttt the work snowball[...]nts‘-Arts
Council led to hisfirst national tour
and a week long residency with Limbs
Dance Company at[...]eyboard giants of the day.“
After the residency and the tour the
word “unsung” no longer applied.[...]he country
gavc him rousing ovations for his
warm and sensual piano playing.
The tour opened up many fu[...]SETTING NEYIIUSICAL

His most recent project, and one
which has cemented his national
profile, was[...]n Jazz' which showcased the best
New Zealand jazz and modern music.
It is likely that New Zealanders will get
many more opportunities to see and
hear Nock perform in his home

TOPP TWIN[...]rs frotn
Split Em. were brought up in Te
Awamutu. And the Topp Twins hail
from Ruawaro, West of Huntly.[...]school

they spent time singing in coffee bars.

and at women‘s concerts in Auckland,
Christchurch and Dunedin. They sang
under the name Homemade Jam and
gathered a mainly feminist cult
following. Their[...]Orientation tours in 1981.

Together Slick Stage and the Topps
delighted student and public audiences
around the country. The twins sa[...]untry girls goin’ up in
the world'
the world“ and it was clear that their
ability to entertain woul[...]s had doubled. even
tripled, for them. In Dunedin 500
students had to be turned away front a
packed Un[...]rafitti -_Raidcrs are a bunch of
hoons!” .lools and Lynda Topp are
New Zealand‘s most enigmatic
entertainers. Lesbians, twins, singers
of political country and w cstcrn songs.
Rolling Stone magazine said the
T[...]professional theatres from Auckland
to Dttnedin, and on any street corncr
you care to name. .


Blucsmcn Sonny Terry and Brownie}

'McUcc toured with the Students‘ Arts
Council in 1973 and again in 1976.
The legendary pair had been playing

together since 1950, though their
relationship had dev'elopedito one[...]s' Arts Council,
Sonny was three—quarters blind and
Brownie almost crippled by polio. It
was not unco[...]heir
shows were usually extraordinary ——
good and bad. They received a
phenomenal response in 1973,[...]national
artists at the competitive public level,
and with the assistance of a large
commercial sponsor[...]ch
incorporated symphonic music,
electronic music and visual arts. The
Union Hall at Victoria was
transformed into an org*smic Dream
Room. combining music and painting
to create an extraordinary
environment.[...]n gongs, Buddhist temple
balls, Chinese tam-tams, and a fire

c\t inguisher. Their programme of
contemporary nuisic included
select ions from Stockhausen and

Bartok. Their tour was a resounding
critical suc[...]-of—tour report was
titled “How to lose $3000 and your


The to[...]o probe
the mysteries of traditional Indian
dance and music. Professor
Shirkhandc, a distinguished musician,
ntusicologist, composer, singer and
teacher. two other musicians and a
singer took zt series of concerts,
scminars and lectures on campuses
during their three w cck tour.


The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) _ .
gives full time students 50% standby concession on airfares throughout New Ze[...]The 40 strong orchestra
performed in Christchurch and
Dunedin in 1974 as part of a' world

'tour organised by the west German

government, and presented a
programme of Mozart, Schubert and
Bartok. Broadcaster Ian Fraser
narrated the Orchestra‘s matinee
performances of ‘Peter and the Wolf’.


The filial group to c[...]expired) a melting pot of musical
styles, talents and ideas- The band's
members were drawn from rock
groups (Blams, Newmatics, Street-
talk) and classical ensembles
(Auckland Regional Orchestra.[...]etting new hori/ons for local music,
Avant Garage and musical director
Ivan Zagni combined the most
forms, blending the free expression of
inn and rock with the discipline of

classical training and lots of theatrical


STUbENiSI -'[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (20)[...]With the large
number of enthusiastic supporters and
players, we were able to supply players
(of dubio[...]laying for Otago, Carol H. played for
Canterbury, and Simon, Wayne, Peter,
Scrooge, Stimpy, Wheels, Smyles and
Yevette combined with Delwyn from Vic

to f[...]ver which didn’t help the
standard' of her play and Denise the
Massey No. 4 wasn’t supposed to lose[...]ghter was over, the team took to the
bumper boats and mini golf on Tamaki
Drive. Dave (Tim Finn) Reardo[...]vain. We met the Auckland team in the

afternoon and lost narrowly in some

tough games. Ice-skating o[...]Wednesday morning at the
sight of the “Waikato" and Massey teams.
Drunken, being a REAL BLOKE, refuse[...]lls was
crowned “Miss Waikato - Badminton
1983" and looked exquisite in a matching
pink twin set by Evans. Dave "Wheels”
was runner-up inlfrilly panties and Jason
is lucky he has a moustache! “Paula”
Pr[...]eir women would
play against the “Waikato" men, and
vice-versa. However, contrary to popular

The badminton dinner was Wed-
nesday night and was the only disappoint-
ment of an excellent wee[...]step.

Congratulations must go to Roscoe
Carol E. and Tim for their selection at the
NZU trials, and to Max the Medic. A few
more activities took place to end a most
enjoyable; entertaining and expensive
week. Clare is currently accepting dona[...]cknowledge Gay on Roscoes behalf.
Thanks to Lance and Wendy and, a
special thanks to Waikato for not sending
a te[...]tu' is the culmination of the
wOrk of Merata Mita and others. It is a
portrait of the events before and during

the ’81 Springbok Tour of New Zealand.[...]-Er opposition to any contact
with racist regimes and their solidarity
with the resistance movements of[...]he
'81 tour, it recalled the events leading up
to and during the tour.


"The Number of the B[...]ght I’d do something
constructive for a change. And since that
august personage the Editor welcomes
a[...]hat one! Good read,
too, although 35 years oldl), and such
controversial works as “The Puppet
Masters", “Starship Troopers”, ”Stranger
in a Strange Land", and the positively

Chaff 7 September 1983 Page 20[...]ther times of resis:

tance, South African police and army -
of the dead and maimed.

The first part of the film concen-
trated on early ’81 and the lead up to the
tour. lt covered different asp[...]n Street, to coverage of

organisational meetings and marchs
against the tour.
May 1, 1981 . 30,000 peo[...]tion as a Naval officer, studied
Physics at UCLA, and worked as an en-
gineer after dischargement on me[...]of discipline, he sees
the beauty of alternatives and radical de-
partures from’accepted behaviour.[...]raphed riot! Paying homage to
'pulp' greats (pre- and post-war cheap
magazines, mundane!), his characters
wield swords and lasers as easily and ex—
pertly as computers and welding gear.
The book even starts, “He's a mad
scientist and I'm his beautiful daughter"(!)
(Before anyone com[...]he tour. The Government pushed
to show its stance and vowed that it was

up, to' the Rugby Union. They fence sat._

It was election year and they were going
to sit it out and see what happens. Games
were scheduled for margin[...]ctual
demonstrations - the planning, the
speeches and the protests.

Parts of the film heartened me,

After an argument, two marriage

proposals, and n-dimensional geometry,
our heroes head out to th[...]avel
to the prof’s lab. One explosion(!) later,
and two kilometres up, we discover the
Professor has[...]innit?) -
only to land in more trouble elsewhere
and elsewhen!

'This merely touches the surface,
actu[...]with all this

sickening thud of baton upon head and
body, reverberated throughout the room.

The film[...]e. Clips of Palmerston North
showed the restraint and‘control that the
"protesters" could retain.

Po[...]inued. The Government
called it a question of law and order.

Having participated in the protests
and now having relived it through the
film, I question who’s law and order.
What law and order?

i left the film with the same

hyped-up t[...]history. It is there to remind
us of the horrors and conflict that many
are trying to make us forget.[...]nfusin’, really (at least, it con-
fused me!) - and when lechnical'talk is
going on, things slow down[...]boring, really, but could be hard
going for some. And if, like me, you’re an
S.F. nut, you’l[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (21)[...]vative argument is
going to predominate next year and if
that argument is of qualitatively similar
form[...]be shattered by the sheer might of
the dogmatism and arrogance that the
newcomers chose to go 'public'[...]icals pass
through phases of conceptual confusion
and contradiction but, remember, that
may' be a resul[...]pt like “democracy”, something put
together 2,500 years ago.

M.R. Chalmers’ last letter (Vol.
50, No. 49) had an air of authority
running through it because of the impli-
cation that he and his buddies were some
kind of product of a “democratic pro—
cess"..A certain A.S.H. (Vol. 50, No.49,
page 11) sprinkled the actual word
throug[...]to the
constituents of a few candidates annually
and access to the polls? Has democracy
happened when[...]jority?
indeed, how has reform ever been achieved
and accepted if, as usual, it comes from
an intellect[...]oses every
connection to “democratic treatment"
and becomes pure CENSORSHIP. Again,
the importance of[...]ut from which part of our value
system the stress and insult come from.
So it is not that we look up the statistics
on rape and decide conclusively what
ought to be their press[...]part of our value
system. So, too, with feminists and
hom*osexuals. They claim they are
oppressed, intellectually and sexually.
How, then, can you deny them extra
space if you do actually believe in absolute
equality? And don’t tell me that their
claim to oppression is[...]y dear President elect,
have been. intellectually and mostly sex-
ually oppressed even though your pare[...]r a normal male, which
you unfortunately became - and stayed.
Others revoited because this injustice
be[...]mentality you
represent is so essentially boring and

The argument against coverage of
intern[...]old over the media)
should consolidate that want, and that



Mum stage is fading away and only per-
sonal action will ensure the continuati[...]eology”, use it as
a storehouse for the heavier and longer
words of his adolescence like "freedom"

g and f’democracy"; ideology is not any-

more exclus[...]uation when another human’s rights are
Violated and fight against that violation,
whether it involves[...]this will sink in as a comment
of praise, for him and his rugby fan,
Mr Chalmers).

i may have gone .to[...]probably dOes yet
not see how small the world 'is and hOw
my state of worrying about discrimination
in[...]om. Things like, this will
crop up for all of us, and the Palestinian
problem or the peace talks are so[...]sonal, priva’te, self-orientated
applied ethics and conceptual analysis. if
you have not realised wha[...]new government
elect rejects this way of thinking and is
only just ending its "this-is-MY-tricycle
phas[...]classification, too
practical with his idealism, and the reac-
tion is understandable; since Massey st[...](although many of the latter
may have the ability and desire to do so,
only few achieve to get the message
across, albeit in a very indirect and one-
sided way). if every new generation will
hav[...]the shoulders
of the previous, it becomes a DUTY, and
not a mere intellectual luxury, to look
down upon[...]at
least, toward the members of ourgener‘
ation and the one to succeed. Only if

every established wa[...]ise, only then can we feel com-

pletely grateful and enter a phase of crea-

tivity based on that data[...]osition,
a tendency, mentality if you like, that,
and nothing less, is what we mean by
anti-establishment. indeed, a very open
and welcoming definition, idealistically
in reach of[...]alistsii Give us
people that can successfully see and ques-'
tion situations assumed to be estab[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (22)[...]R
7.30 pm. in the Kiwitea Lounge
Will be the date and venue of the Uni-
versity Drama Society Annual Ge[...]s under discussion will be
election of‘officers and cultural pro-
gramme for 1984. Attendance by mem-[...]fter pro-

ceedings finish.

PHONE 70-650

ORB 2;


CHAFF 19 WAS:[...]Maunsell - Pics

Bill Greenfield - Ads (73-718)

And Mike, Jim, Arron, Tom, Mark and
maybe some others.

Chaff is the official journal[...]CT FROMVOUR SUPERB


Studen[...]mes are still not returned
from the March Ball(!) and other
functions. This is not fair to the wardrobe[...]ned. If you can't get in to
the wardrobe (Tuesday and Thursday,
10.30 - 4.00), costumes may be dropped[...]anosomsr ms was -

AL: mos: wreeesrao l 1
Atomic AND ABETTING m: Mos ~
scmnttmmc. stupendous AND';
smrma RADIO STATION smc ’
auuus cassm's 'mwm[...]SWORD CLUES

1. Sounds like a cavalry base and no
doubt they did it there.
4. Table for students[...]8. The lead t , beginning.
10. Table for priests and Gods.
12. One random number generator, hap-
18. Pb, or the star role.
21. Keep it up and keep smiling.
22. What 24 across did once.
24. Ru[...]An appointment, a fruit or a day.
Tennis players and waiters both do it,
the one from the left, the ot[...]but it’s really atoll.
Past back.

Milk, this, and a tuba and you have a

1. There is supposedly one missing, and a
chain isn’t a chain without one.

Du[...]Hort. 4 Lecture Theatre.

Appointment of Welfare and Edu-
cation Officers, Self Determination Poli-

Nominations for the positions of
Education and Welfare Officers 1984 are
open till the opening o[...]OUNGE

We will be discussing the future
direction and activities of the Womens
Collective, for the remainder of this term,
and for 1984.

All women are very welcome to
come alo[...]N SALE NOW IN STUDENT


I Any womin who would like to
help form pr[...]s important for womin to have
a say in any policy and to be able to plan
their own actions for Peace.

For those of you who were invol-
ved and were disillusioned at and after
the first public meetings, we are now just
starting our organisation proper, and we
need representation from interested
groups so that we can be effective and co-

- ordinated. We need Disarmament but[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (23)[...]cerning the subject
of admissions to universities and
the problem of tertiary education
becoming/being[...]rsity entrance exam-
inations be made compulsory,
and that some academic criteria
for ranking students[...]y school are handicapped by
economic deprivations and un—
able to continue; but those who
are genuinely not deserving of a
place at university (and we know
there are many here at Massey)
will be pr[...]ard of gradu-
ates will undoubtedly be im-
proved and the supposed fewer
numbers attending will mean
mo[...]conditions of those who
sincerely deserve them - and
with the present government, I
see no other way o[...]un-
ning about the place waving
little red flags and eating caviar.
Not a pretty sight.

I now declare[...]ve to vote
for Bob Jones, I think I’ll run
away and be a hermit.

' 2


PLAGIAR[...]ind this an insult to the Monty
Python producers, and think
that the writer ould be able to
produce ori[...]aff, but I’d like
to make some observations (or

1. Are women taking up
banners for political power and/
or peace, aware of the fact that,
of four women[...]ndira
Ghandi, Boudicea (or Boudicea),
Golda Meir, and Margaret
Thatcher (mind you, Maggie
didn’t star[...]Chaff(Ed), (Not as a result
of Foxton Beach sand and surf
either!). -

I must make a few com-
ments of positive, constructive
nature, asking ignorant foreign
questions, and adding provoca-
tive thought to a subsistence
Pal[...]ifestyle. (The
previous pen received redun-
dancy and was sent to Fair Go).
' Firstly, I am overwhelm-[...]y its open
no-strings—attached general
goodwill and respect for needs
and feelings. I tasted this joyous
atmosphere and experienced the

under $2 00.

hospitality three times in five
days and was so impressed, I am
urged to write. This is ge[...]. A
Friday night (talk about incon-
venient time) and despite a close
friend’s wedding the next day,[...]ally a flatmates), sumptuous
filling exotic food and non-stop
hot beverages - even to the point
of FIN[...]rded
in high esteem here (as in many
places here) and no financial
cover - money - for any service
rece[...]d it. Together with the
friendliness of the bunch and
wide range of entertainment
talents and knowledge depth
(mainly music and accounting
respectively), my second horn
jumped t[...]Selva 8c Co - the Indian bro’s
from the big KL and elsewhere).

Secondly, after departing
to seek an[...]tact
phone with reasonable prices,
friendly staff and a t.v. (off at
the time). To my utter amaze-
ment[...]est to their
crowded multiple tone conversa-
tion and dwelling at my sugges-
tion. A large quantity of[...]ived for the amount paid
(Bursary Budget Bargain) andand mates and mater-

The third piece of unco-
incident[...]lue ribbon chefesses who pro-
vided filling meals and interest-
ing air of cultural (and humo-
rous) PN/Manawatu gossip/con-
versation. Openhouse, comfort-
able accommodation and people
going out of their way at any

cost in[...]Massecti-
mics, please note a few observa-
tions and queries. Firstly... over-
seas students despite t[...]lete their studies
successfully to satisfy career and
parental demands. So to have

open house (service with no

'return payment - 4 meals) on

a day prior and during a wedding
ceremony was absolutely amaz-
during which a takeaways busi-
ness manager and crew on the
same night was even more so.
Plus to[...]Hort/Sci
specialities. Especially Social
Sciences and at the top of the
block skyscraper - the most
imp[...]submitted to
Chaff. Ta. Get off your “Chaff”
and write something then!!!


I awaken

And look to the sky,

Fine, clear, f*ckin’ cold.

I roll over

And look to the electric blanket,
Dormant, apparently, or is it just

I switch it on

And doze off to sleep,

Still, motionless, missing lectures.
I awaken

And look to the electric blanket,
3, hot, I’m bloody sweating.

I roll over

And look to the sky,

Dark, grim, threatening to rain.

I switch it off

And doze off to sleep,

Calm, comfortable, missing‘[...]awaken

Get up, get dressed, have a sh*t,
shower and shave and go outside
- half the sky’s clear, the other

' half cloudy.

It’s f*ckin’ cold, pissing with
rain and blowing a gale.

Jeez, Palmerston North weather
slu*ts me off.



I love me mother and me mother
love me

We come so far from over the s[...]metime it hot, sometime it

I love me mother and me mother
love me

We try to live in harmony

You[...]me daddy so
low sometime

She don’t smoke weed and she
don’t drink wine

She alway do the best she[...]e alway sing some kinda song

She have big muscle and she very

She like puss* cat and she like
cashew nut ,

She don’t bother with no ‘if’ no

I love me mother and me mother
love me

We come so far from over the s[...]ld

Sometime it hot, sometime it

I love her and she love me too

And this is a love I know is true

I talk to you, yea you know who

Me and my mother we love you
too. -

Benjamin Zep[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (24)[...]SERVICES OFFERED

Full range Europa products and accessories

Full workshop services (inclu[...]


Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (25)[...]CHAFF VOL 50 NO 19 7 SEPTEMBER 1983[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (26)[...]you had an excel- the Maori Vice President and women's
lent holiday skiing the slopes or catchin[...]y more peo- life." But the assorted Koreans and Japa- You might think that shootin[...], wards the Soviet Union. Because Commu-
shed and a list of resolutions were formed. posed legi[...]fighters. That the nism is clearly inferior and evil, as every
It was also resolved that regions stay in tember. As 50% of students at Massey[...]aught, America can wave a
contact, exchange ideas and information will be affected by Youth Rat[...]stick and talk of punishment and righting
through the New Zealand Housing Net-[...]re Crawley, kers Unemployed Rights Centre and will[...]itary commander (or political advisor to
the time and energy she put into the Sem- - Day of Actio[...]Striking at passenger-carrying ves-
Clare 'and all the best!! Thanks to all free to come[...]se who helped with registration, tap- come and see me. Meetings will be held[...]bar, etc. as this ensured the on Mondays and Fridays at 3.00 p.m. in[...]d 747 which created much public anger and aid- '
was held at Victoria University. NZUSA[...]tre. territory for two and a half hours but it I know we don't[...]there is a Special General Meeting from and yet it has been lost. War to End All Wars, and they didn't
step for NZUSA as it is recognising t[...]ve nuclear weapons. Maybe the
role of supporting, and promoting things to discuss the possible i[...]next one could be called Th War to End
Maori and ensuring that Maori concerns Students As[...]ch nation involved will All. I hope not.
and representation filter through. I was elected as Education and
The second progressive step was W[...]ear as there are many people who tionships and communication networks opment. However,[...]ether, with al I the other groups present, and by encouraged to contribute their views and
the day the Treaty was signed, it is clear[...]is protest has taken on a signifi- operate and also in what they may seek cases been ach[...]that while conducted under Maori leadership and
cantly new character over the last five[...]t the Treaty of Waitangi is a fraudu- tonomous and quite independent of each give informed,[...]At the conclusion of the confer-
groups and organisations all over the increased t[...]together in concert ence, all those groups and individuals who
country, who, rather than make the pro- to get together and discuss questions to expose the fraudulent nature of the[...]gi each year on which are of common concern and per- Treaty. had considered it well worthwhile and
February 6, base their activities in their haps reach a concensus on such questions To take an example, there was[...]i:Jer to give the movement nationally lengthy and lively discussion on the ques- would be a ver[...]s cannot be
awareness about the true significance and . what was only the second ever National[...]olonial interests to that this was recognised and acted on ac-
whom are comm:tted to building strong
organisations in their own areas and who between those groups who attended, further their own interests and that Wai- cordingly and this can only lead to the
carry out activities wh[...]only one person who disagreed with this and with more and more people realising
themselves around the same[...]Another encouraging feature of
dent of each other and none of them will What was obvi[...]that each group number of Pakehas there and it was gene-
by another organisation. This[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (27)[...]DIVISION ·AND Of BAii AUGUST COUNCIL[...]or did 11ot back Ses was ambiguous and in
New Zealand'~ biggest and strongest for President and was elected with· a[...]t
is intent on staying ahead in the radical and has been involved at Victoria Uni-[...]Ses admirably silenced much of
gation, ·and how this has; showed up the being able to[...]the criticism herself and said co-operation
lack of cohesion and petty wrangling once, and al'I before morning tea". She[...]been in MUSA. She also admitted that
and Officers' functioning over the year. looki[...]en at M.assey.
priorities for third term actions, and to dynamic actor or rather the organised[...]This can · only be because the one vote
discuss and act on new developments rele- stage manager[...]thing more even at
Massey 6, Victoria 6, Otago 6, and women's seJf-determination,.though b[...]Council.
Lincoln and Waikato 4 each. said they cou[...]onal Office open for election, Gnly ority and on a second ballpt. Her score of Massey was[...]. Both Malcolm Mclean 22 for, 19 against and 1 informal shows a standing for Education and Welfare tion is that which will mean the greatest
and Margie Thomson stood for General fair[...]to 7 vote, the Massey delegation was on, and this will happen next term by
Malcolm is[...]he least, united in its support postal ballot.
and had half of MUSA's vote, but Margie shoul[...]- a statement of principles assoc-
10 for Malcolm and 3 informal. plenaries are for candidates has led to disseminate information and be account- iated with the concept of sel[...]en active in student calls for Women's V.P. and Maori V.P. able. tion, and motions to facilitate its intro·
politics since 1981 and has a B.A. in to be selected by[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (28)[...]artists, administrators and those concer-[...]three years and I've got pretty disillu-[...]ociation national President, New Zealand and Broadsheet have discus- band you can hear but not see, and for experience to qualify me for the posi[...]sed the emergence of a "specific and self- that matter you can hardly even see th[...]to you. Evenings with a bit Arts Festival and did some Education
until 1984 and are the only increase in Nevertheless,[...]are likely to get before equal standing and individual distinction voted as Cultural V .P., I'll offer you al- Orientation and Capping an.d helped with
the beginning of 1985. S[...]e of various dances at Massey. This year ! was
and flats face massive ·increases in fees t[...]ered co-director of Spectral Arts Festival.
and rents early next year as the Price and and administrators to .confront the issue seating, and hopefully an improved beer
Rent 'Freeze' is lifted. In fact many hos- of women, sexism and the arts - to some supply. We'll try to m[...]us. kids no more fre~ drinks) and give you
hardship exemptions under the Price[...]stions from more free lunch time concerts, and if we
Freeze". ·[...]Rising costs early next year will Council and other interested individuals tem so we cou[...]" Mr Arthur said. sing artists and administrators to discuss Down to t[...]ore truly cultural activities, theme
unemployment and this will hit students be: dances of all discriptions and generally
looking for jobs this summer very hard.[...]iary Study (1) Sexism in the Visual Arts and Crafts - like to encourage more local parti[...]ll now be $30 per week Why do "women" and "crafts" popular- tion, particularly schools and T Coll.
in 1984, should be at least $40 if it were ly still rank second to "men" and "arts"?
adjusted to cover increases in student[...]and organisation. I feel I have a substan-
systems and electrpnic instrumentation[...]tial resource of cultural contacts and have
Education.[...]I refuse to bow down to ·performers and
President NZUSA.[...]will negotiate to our level of finance and[...]and I don't see why both parties shouldn't[...]and administrators are losing ground?
bought & s[...]vice, suggestions and constructive criti-[...]truth? Show your support and remember cism. If any clubs or societies[...]ation - Cutbacks your ID cards next week, and please keep assistance with events they nee[...]Administrc:ition, Policies and Funding -
heid. People, who through their activ[...]h Harley - Chief Advisory Officer, OE
repression and so are unable to com-[...]Dale Hunter - Manukau City Community
in 1984 and 1985. To ensure the Scholar~ Ar[...]year . This campaign has been largely
successful and is now drawing ·to a close. The Question[...]ition Affirmative Action
to appartheid, and offering support to
its victims.[...]Registratioti fee is $10 and enrolment clo- MOV[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (29)[...]ms are ·presented in
many guises. Heavy drinking and alcohol-[...]ily History of Alcoholism or
ism are progressive, and early identifica-
tion will be -important if the[...]Face: puffiness, vasodilatation and
1. Levels of Alcohol Consumption '\[...]infections, hyperpigmentation, vascu-
and must there.fore be regarded as exces-
sive. (Equi[...]creased sweating feet and hands.
liquor are 1 /3 bottle of spirits, 2/3 bot[...]Nails and Fingers: paronychiae, club-
of sherry, 1 bottle o[...]verse grooves and opaque nails,
sumption rates, however.[...]on, abnormal
ness executives, salesmen, hoteliers and dents, offensive language in public, vi[...]- espec- liver enzymes. such as GOT, GPT, and
hotel workers, members of the armed[...]thefts, ially emotional -- illness of a spouse and ALP, and urinary urobilinogen in-
forces and teachers. burglary,[...]ng Tests -
frequent infections, frequent injuries and Frequent changes, absenteeism, pro-[...]quent trips to toi- 7. Heavy Smoking, Gambling and Taking tests which can be use[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (30)[...]strated lectures Craig Harrison, playwright and novelist.
Hort. Building, Room 4, commencing at[...]inter-connections between the arts and on 7 October) as one of New Zealand'[...]novel, 'Other Halves', has recently won
account and $20.00 into the Building[...]Mervyn Thompson, playwright and dir-[...]or write NOW! and he is a leading director and producer.[...]ion shall be taken in any Ian Wedde, poet and novelist. Ian Wedde[...]ful and uncompromising paintings have[...]clearly be dated and shall state "Repay-
~·<'0~[...]profit is being made out of people's
and MUSA.[...]g Discounts from a Direct Marketing Firm
types of questions people asked, clearly especially[...]our * Visa and Bankcard Facilities
union, said its aims were to[...]ic system which lets.some get rich
with an office and equipment to publicise off the su[...]\------~
tenants' .rights and to link up with other The[...]contact, until they get estab-
than a necessity, and that people were lished, is 6[...]and a report to NZUSA on return. Appli-[...]'

Association seminar on "Youth and cants must also prepare a Position Paper
Social Problems _in South and Southeast for the seminar, in con[...]ons Economic The President
and Social Commission for Asia and the NZ USA
Pacific.[...]Courtenay Place
labour, slums and crime. Delegates will WEL[...]culum vitae and other material relevant to
Applicants should have some the application, and provide a contact Inter[...]the topics, be familiar with address and phone number. Applications Save $17 (Down and Holofil)
NZUSA policy and with the Asian close 5.00[...]Save $22
Students' Association, and be willing to 1983.

Chaff 7[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (31)[...]the assistant editors example of the people and links involved.[...]ing is Waldermar Schulz, ex Waffen SS and a
out Europe and the States. World War 11 . An[...]like Jensen and Eysenk, Fascism and race control the Media and the Money" and and Eysenk. ·[...]mentioning are 'Nouvelle Ecole' and[...]views and both have feature work by
circulations and many respected contri- Eysenk, and praised Jensen's work in the[...]but ing writers, including Jensen and[...](European Nazi Party) and the South[...]quarterly journal dealing with race and[...]and Jensen are presented in the Psychology
hear you moan - but wait; this is impor- Ethno and human genetics, Ethno- The Mankind Quarterly has links Department as serious and valid academics.
tant stuff and has implications for us all, Psychology, ra[...]especially in New Zealand. and Anthro-geography". polog[...]ropologie is publis.hed proved to be unsound and some data he
The story really started a[...]nk included) involved in pology, Eugenics and the study of Behav- he and others maintain an acceptance in
1969. Arthur Jen[...]e contents of both are overtly anti Jew and work is recognised as being the main
much can we boost IQ and scholastic fascist movement first became known in Black and carry on the tradition of Hans reason their work and reputations are
achievement" Harvard E[...]a prominent Nazi race scientist propounded and maintained with such
Review, 1969) that intellige[...]prosecuted under the Race of the 1930s and 1940s). vigour.
most entir[...]as 'f*ckless') of Nordic reunification and has spoken popularity, is the "respectab[...]p when the pimple of
lectually Inferior to whites and therefore supported Apartheid, paying regular visits writers and advisors on this publication contemporary[...]e is biologically based) it is to South Africa and writing for the are also involveq wit[...]essure of close scrutiny.
illogical to waste time and money educ!lt- Journal of Racial Affairs -[...]STIVI BIKO as "group p·ride, and the determination
by blacks to rise and attain the envisaged
On August 18, 1977,[...]ock near Grahamstown, South should, and must, appreciate their value
Africa, Steve Biko w[...]It was an idea the apartheid
act", and held incommunicado in Port regime coul[...]h. On September 11 he was trans- murdered, and then the black conscious-
ferred, naked in the back of a police van, ness movement, including SASO and
to Pretoria Central Prison. The next night B[...]d by frequent beatings criticism or dissent, and has developed an
while in police custody.[...]her service in Soweto,
a 15 year old boy was shot and killed by
the police. ·
The apartheid regime felt differ-
ently, and delegates to the Transvaal
provincial congress of[...]lack South African Students'
Organisation (SASO), and honorary pres-
ident of the Black People's Convention
(BPC) and leader of the black conscious- F[...]We have no heroes and no wars
The BPC espoused Biko's ideas of[...]We have no battles and no fights[...]s
and accidental dyings in the dark.[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (32)[...]Complaints, criticisms and digs can be[...]and use it to build a better[...]omy and employment opportun- society.
Dear S[...]one generally wanting to f.eel very tired and I just want to
issue of Chaff, I was surpris[...]· vironment taught discipline and
Mathematical models are[...]pretty tough and thankless at[...]and moral lactitude there were them.
able[...]ey and decorum today, I feel, to try played that ra[...]your mouth and make a complete
may be inappropriate - and how have no friends is rubbish, how- and _halt the social decay .[...]someone with drive and deter-[...]STONED FREE mination and . a good sense of defies replying to. I w[...]right, wrong, and the proper way
doesn't everyone do it? And Deary,[...]defeating and sordid. I agree that[...]name and not that of some mor-[...]fully wash hands and a sapphire[...]. ping off Phil's press release and
your o[...]tion of the lecturer and the[...]I have the sapphire and[...]rd was
FALSE results? Data is data - and police 'harassment hanging[...]but nonetheless effi- by slandering Phil and I, I'm
poor one. Are animals NOT sub-[...]ect to latent infections? hom*osexuals and heterosexuals[...]due to experiences in their and the desire to improve one's one that has c[...]t. deal of pain and anger recently. P .S " Spot the cliche. When[...]16 Pounds to his the increase in rape and violence you're an idiot.
per year in the[...]. He now earns $28,000 towards women, and I ask my- You 're an idiot but when you[...]u don't accept yourself, don't per year and lives in an $100,000 self why this might be[...]of the live cat). Is have pride in yourself and don't house. He goes on overseas trips[...]take responsibility for yourself. and travels round New Zealand rise of a femi[...]that too. This example of improving and women's increasing indepen- telling you to slow down.
and contrast them to normal hom*osexuals do[...]them, is absolutely amazing - and are unwilling or apathetic At my[...]to try "and get out of it. We relax last June) I sometimes[...]hom*osexuals are not child mol- into it and in that relaxing the reluctant to get invol[...]e same sex, where "trendy" movements and dye imperative that w~ women of all[...]our hair, or wear uncouth ages and cultures, heterosexual[...]cts of relationships? nouveau" movements and some- doubtless many things that[...]s masculine - or ' feminine divide us now, and that will con- P .P .S. Isn't the year 1984[...]al, poking them -in the it all together and accept your
eyes with a pen or squirti[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (33)[...]for future gatherings of women . and participate fully in ·discussion
-by the YWCA. Its focus was on rape and[...]to expect a women-only
sexual violence to women and children, inantly lesbians and working-class women, space.
an area which[...]dismissed as an extremist Rape and sexual violence has be-
media coverage this year[...]:J Pacific Island and women of colour who doubtedly pay lip-service to. This confer-
honoured and successful method used by[...]ally acceptable because of its
men to keep women and children in their[...]p topics in- white middle-class structure and as such
place.[...]and mass media, setting up an incest trem[...]rnativ'e for abused sexual violence for years, and have largely
conferences do we need? Tne YWCA se[...]cated productive and stimulating discus- Centre is struggling[...]sion; in practice the ones I attended did and is constantly battling for money from
-to change[...]funding agencies. Just a little too
-to discuss and evaluate presnet govern-[...]of a conference which for two days duced and Jim Mclay gets his Deputy
-to look at methods of[...]and sexual abuse; for most of us this was coun[...]but personal ex- through lack of finance and women. will
sources are available[...]ts in lecture theatres' made real rape so far and no further. The silence
f.e rence organisers was[...]communication difficult and for many wh_ich camouflages sexual yi[...]sed as lenged - that it is both a product and a tool
hell or high water, irrespective of whether be a unified group and yet the conference being ·for women, whic[...]t were. That shops as media representatives and taking Lesle[...]but rather it should have been against women and children and it was an[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (34)[...]..

On 1 7 and 18 August the Massey has access to housing[...]-believes that political and economic
fects the country. The seminar was to[...]responsible in the area is a social service and should be provided[...]the central fabric of life and security. be speculated in, and regarded as a source[...]le's right to adequate
Many interesting and alternative Janet Brannigan ended he[...]accommodation especially workers and
solutions to this frightful problem were e[...]res~nt housing · shortages
ences between owners and occupiers - the Zealand) have sub-standard[...]for these groups and recognizes that the
fundamental economic crux of[...], Government and local bodies have a
lem - was also evident. Altho[...]its responsibility to provide an ade•
of ideas and principled statements emerged Jane S[...]ellington to New Zealand's 'own-your-own' and quate stock of low cost rental housing.
and are pointed out at the end of this Unemp[...]that they be closed.
responsibility and means to solve the cannot raise large sums of capital for trust and Charles Waldegrave, Lower Hutt .[...]a fact and calls upon the Government for[...]s if to illustrate her ment to benefits, and the rising cost of dent early tr~ second d[...]As if in the Minister's place, Phil squats and empty house registers are ational inte[...]initiative.
situation, and gave Labour's policy for a Tennants' Prote[...]g problem affects rights are ill-defined and unenforceable[...]women more than men. She said women and against whom the weighty laws of[...]hat the 'Rent
creasing number of emergency houses and $229 against $302 for men.[...]and demands that a system of rent con-
creasing size[...]lmerston trols and security of tenure be introduced
houses, growing[...]to ensure that tenants' rights and con-
sales, and gloomy reports from social in our atti[...]lessness. cations of rental and home purchase as where the Students' Ass[...]freeze in October.
and private rental numbers, gentrification[...]housing and exchange ideas through the New
prices, an increas[...]Zealand Housing Network.
family units and larger numbers forming the problems of the non-owner. Andrew shown some responsibility and recogni-
households.[...]are where reform is desperately needed and The Housing Corporation only makes[...]exception of the one institution whose
isged and to make better use of existing and initial payments, return of bonds and local bodies can build accommodation[...]was not, 'h e claimed, representative and
80% of a weekly mortgage payment. The reform should be based and the need for introduced the community co[...]expect reasoned debate
use of alternative housing and tenancy comprehensive tenancy legislatio[...]ral change in our notions of financing and situation -[...]. the responsibility - Central and Local
will.[...]Government - to take up the call and
Following the polit-parley, Janet g[...]lived at remaining delegates got together and actually d[...]nnigan, Auckland Community Worker, home and 15% were in halls of residence formulate[...]claimed housing to be totally a political and would, therefore, face the problems This[...]lems faced -feels housing is a basic n,eed and not a

Chaff 7 September 1983 Page 10 ·

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (35)[...]Asians 30 cents a day, and 'coloureds' Biko who was beaten to death in[...]and Africans received 15 cents worth of[...]day. at torture and murder of detainees, but is[...]cted to fre- First, of the ANC, an academic and jour-[...]quent beatings and electric shock torture. nalist, who was · murd[...]n 1979 he was convicted of "terrorism", bomb, and Abraham Tiro, President of
guerillas from the African National and other inhabitants of the Republic'.[...]and helping organise the Soweto uprisings. the Sout[...]obben Island . now some 120 laws and regulations re-
how the apartheid regime has tra[...]oners in the world, and was forced to state repressive powers were introduced
deprivation of political and legal rights. such as the South African Stud[...]innie Mandela, is also subject to onstrations and consumer boycotts. As
evidence to aid the prosecution, and once frequent detention and maltreatment, with most othr laws, the on[...]again made presumption of guilt which
less, and enabled the apartheid regim_e to and is currently "banned". During the lies wit[...]dela and others, even many of the wit- Meetings can be banned, and are,[...]to force them to for a number of reasons, and police
As a result, blacks have resorted[...]parties were all banned.
using civil-disobedience and peaceful By this time, all fre[...]107 schoolchildren and students.
ARMING A DICTATORSHIP[...]"Suppression for incommunicado detention, and if
of Communism Act" of 1950. This de- someone does find out you ha[...]ly" area a gathering of two or more people, and
as an act of politica l protest was an addi- a[...]One person had a banning order imposed
ping and imprisonment were made com- after they[...]TORTURE
organisations the ANC and PAC (Pan Torture is widespread, and offici-
African ist Congress) were both outlawed[...]ncluded painting slogans on are- beatings and solitary confinement for
walls. The act provided[...]used to prove towels, sleep deprivation and electric
there was no political intent.[...]stick forced between their knees and
e[...]of one 90 day on thumbs, toes, temples and genitals,
period. Of the 3,000 people rounded up and electric shocks are administered.
immediately fo[...]rked with chalk on the floor as a place.
accused and witnesses.[...]rs or more) in this place, with no
"Publications and Entertainment Act" . sleep.
Some 12,000[...]lly, under apartheid, whites are
to endanger alw and order, or 'cause allocated 60 ce[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (36)[...]itator (Jessica
Wilson) rather than a chairperson and[...]rganise with full moving,seconding, voting and Mis> .Pvt wejilft[...]1
the discussion and no-one really knew attendance rights.[...]Arthur to August rather than May to May, and[...]' ni}Sbl)nd h~S 1o riio'lt' ovt of Unemployment and Quinquennium Sub-
ination to be "a victory of tac[...]were set as Accommodation and Student
Concern was raised over consti-[...]orate the issues of bursaries and hard-
"The Women's Caucus shall have the
same functions and powers as the General[...]Rates legislation will have on over 50%
long as only women attend, not that only[...]ing up to 50% less than they did last
have Women's Caucus set[...]summer for doing the same job!! The
and opposite legislature, converting[...]priorities of Accommodation and Stu-
NZUSA Councils into a bi-camera! body,[...]strong of the Caretakers and Cleaners
It is interesting to note that[...]romises of further issues of Spectre, a
for NZUSA and that the best way to fight[...]cards, posters, new stickers and · infrom-
approach.[...]when these burst forth to brighten the
Education and Welfare Vice President,[...]load for the rest of this term and a desire
that a consensus decision making proces[...]ho could arbi-
is not realistic when we "believe and want trarily select rates of pay. Second, it[...]of reaching these 19 year olds - $3.90; and $4.01 for 20
goals. It is not cutting off chunks of year olds.
NZUSA and throwing them away, as
one constituent suggested[...]reeze young
" a coalition of sectoral interests" and persons' wages at their present level or[...]olds; and $3.25 for 20 year olds. By this[...]is the National Education
a Maori Vice President and the creation 20 years, this directly concerns[...]and Welfare Action Committee of NZ USA.[...]Its major function is to discuss ways to
Toki) and Commission were approved by youth unemptoyme[...]action priorities and policy from both
Like the special plenar[...]oiting their labour. It would Welfare and Education Commissions at[...].' ~ :·r.-· ~
on the MVP, Nga Toki and the Commis-[...]NZUSA Councils and Standing Commit-[...]rates proposals, and get involved on the
This means Maori protocal wil[...]23 September. the allotted time and various other
served at all times. Like Womens co[...]time for major discussion of topics raised
and by voting if a consensus is not too health[...]wieldy and time-consuming" according to paign wh[...]Education Commission set priori- "Free and democratic education"-a basic demand[...]rch ties for term three as the TAG and Ouin- of the Brazilian students-is e[...]quennium submissions and for term one,[...]1984, as the TAG, and Lecturer Training/ to pass exams, I w[...]ociations. Setting up a National
as both Councils and twci other times. areas and in the case of the TAG and Youth Rates campaign although I[...]Committee and Regional Branches woufd[...]these areas . Lecturer training is a mean and oppose them strenuously. I[...]very important issue for students and it is hope to get some information out o[...]t reach the priorities stress management and relaxation tech-[...]ssue now so niques (especially for exams) and also to[...]campus will from next year send $7.29
and Maori things in general. A Batchelor[...]year you have information and arguments Also odds and ends on various surveys,[...]that have been well thought out and can unemployment and the EUB (Emergency[...]additional .50c
present. There are 12 full-time and 5[...]lso be levied to pay for the
part-time students, and 5 official staff.[...]Ouinquennium Submissions are exams and look out for the petition[...]ious commissions and personal accounts
Duituturanga, NOSAC[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (37)[...]and further activities to take place with[...]Invincible, soon. The Invincible is nuclear
and trade unions led the way in New powered and was also involved in the
Zealand in the ant[...]alvinas/Falklands war. Its coming on a
ment and students helped establish the sort of tha[...]But that was all at least ten years
ago and today it would appear that
students no longe[...]t international affairs do
not concern them and anyway what can
they do about it all.[...]concern of the student
movement (both NZUSA and constituent the workforce and in times of economic NOSAC AT AUGUS[...]hardship. and high unemployment this
internationa l issues[...]number of NOSAC dele-
students aware of them and present the[...]shops and offices) where their rights campuses w[...]could be, and are, easily invaded. These the committee'[...]eed good, strong representation Waikato and Massey. While this may truly
combined New Zea[...]seas students on campuses, I am not
and analysis.[...]threats of political ·
international arena and presents its views[...]t conference of the Inter- understandable and the reality for
New Zealand is concerned and New national Gay Alliance and International ·NZUSA may be that most ov[...]while yet.
To this end, both MUSA and Gay and Lesbian Action. NZUSAsupports[...]the appreciation by over-
think about issues and what we can do to bianism and Gay Identification as positive seas student[...]forms of sexual and political identity. clearly expressed .[...]Multinational companies have for that by and large our campaigns are
·to talk about the Pa[...]ed third world women mainly submissions and publicity, but
conflict in the Middle East. B[...]and children through their promotion of neve[...]s able to speak to 4. The final and most pressing con-[...]and has been sponsored by NZUSA. The[...]products, and urges the New Zealand[...]here and there. (There is quality in small[...]South Africa and Namibia are severely[...]and financial nature. done[...]and considered areas of action in the next NOSAC co-ordinator and that the co-ord-[...]student can do so by leaving their dona - and how unemployment affects women.
AUGUST[...]$1,500 fee for non-Pacific overseas stu·[...]the- United States' military acti.on on campus and women in general. tion are[...]licity of the submission.
within Honduras and against Nicaragua. New policy under d[...]l in- The Women's Vice President and[...]couraged to provide and use educational to discuss the cons[...]types of sex, class and race.[...]...
strongly about and NZUSA has very com- The introduction[...]• ";
lem and NZUSA supports many groups intimidation and exploitation of workers, this positio[...]still fighting for the
Hiroshima Day and anti-Texas right to be accepted as p[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (38)[...]responsibility for the future and The Editor,[...]ade someone's life mis- is the fruit of love and concern that there was obviously a plot
Ea[...]turbed in that I have trouble de-
burnt black and Ash (gray). tionnaire to:[...]ook you can no passion for economic justice and termining whether or not people[...]ercise right to decide lm:1ger buy and notes for the a faith in the response of o[...]on some of my subjects. neighbour to love and goodwill. job of Cultural Vice President,[...]sus in Matthew 7: 12 - dislike Phoebe and me because
existence? c) Answer some questions. under "H" in the mailboxes to[...]think this is beyond you, go this is the law and the prophets".
arms in a violent manner.[...]In order to lessen and
.c) Sign a petition. a) Haven't[...]ng one . Yours f*cked off and war, new policies are needed.
Labour.[...]oured geographically to give a
as Fitz, Al and Magic-stick[...]w many people the 3rd, between ll.30and2.00. designed to further the inter-[...]on't think it won't happen to ests of peace and reduce ten-
2. Are you afraid of Nuclear[...]s
a) Possibility of NZ being c) Family and friends. REJECTING THE CHRIST[...]- order to further so to do we pus and have heard it said that[...]leads to survival and life, the member, not permit any foreign[...]lished in Chaff (6 July) are in. ation and death. All humanity itory and declare a policy of[...]ed nuclear thought they were not needed, and arming a soldier as educating a[...]ed for offensive action. Militar- scientists and engineers are[...]1981 Rezzin Arts Festival and
Ag[...]water, education, health and and there was definitely no one
favoured ANZUS, and nuclear power[...]( 5) results were received. As this 450 million people are estimated[...]organising and the anxiety due[...]hole world to be a ion are illiterate, 250 million
d) Only if aimed at Wellington[...]sham. I think I'll go and have an[...]am. attend school and about 750,000[...]we give lip-service to and often that the 'unpaid services ren-
would you:[...]profess to believe. Love and dered' occurred during the time
a) Have hope that[...]and its practical expression is the ' an honourarium[...]requirement of a more just and the organisation of Spectral Arts
we were va[...]f Festival, I have, for some time,
c) Pray to God and his wisdom.[...]ness and will be taken advan- that makes some of you happy[...]the choice of sharing our world dence in us and to everyone who[...]and its resources as one people, voted for me. I have[...]acing mutal annihilation. We nated to stand again and am
would you:[...]is really neat, and I am not
a) Good.[...]Group. Spike (and Phoebe).
Chaff 7 September 1983 Page 14
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (39)[...]Party's little civil war
between its progressive and moderate fac-
tions brings into question the viab[...]Anderton and accused the President of[...]The reality facing Labour and its[...]ry into a Coast Guard, abolish the ship and Australian Prime Minister Bob
If you acc[...]ning a consistently progressive Consulate, and recognise such liberation were to regain power and hold it, they
Zealand can be included - are a spe[...]the fact that
force, beyond their moment of glory and Concern is expressed at Anderton[...]rv-
you would .have to agree that political and a political seat. But the real concern[...]t, as they see a greater proportion of executive and represents the "organis- get a mainstream[...]world's wealth slip through their ational and activist wing" of the party. power.[...]derate "All parties have their mavericks and it is of New Zealand or have resided in Ne[...]ratic system that Zealand for one year and have resided in
In these circ*mstances,[...]left-wing politics may be uncertain. "quiet and more compliant role".[...](More specific eligibility requirements are
And the strife currently plaguing the New[...]and Labour Party, just as it should be mediate and moderate the excesses of[...]ballot by post and it is hoped that this
The problems withi[...]and want to exercise your right to vote,
the Party Pr[...]the Students Association Office and re-
M.P. President Jim Anderton is described[...]Any queries about enrolment,
itional disciplines and loyalties of the Lange says, "We ar[...],, and those resident in accommodation in
dox in view of[...]Kirk, bitter at defeat, hit back at And the "fringe element" policy[...]Marsden Lecture Theatre 7.30 p.m. Admission: $1.50

Thursday 8 September Catc[...]Wellington. Tel: 850-561
Thursday 29 September[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (40)[...]That may seem like, and probably[...]e modest
They have a fine feel for their music, and THE STONES1'..[...]y Flying Nun, again in limited · alongside, and often surpasses, the "Sch-
"I'm sorry i[...]Heat/ Amer- wimmen" EP in terms of clarity and un-
right clothes" Geoff/Jeff, the bassist told[...]ed by Bill Direen and Al Mead. "Dead overdubs to give a son[...]" 1')1SC ~
tion, and a cheeky keenness, was tlien esta- l_[...]). Presumably the title shows survive this song, and still think Berlin was 'thought I knew You[...]drumming is reminiscent of "Heroin"
· And is their disk worth your proverbial wait for "Fin[...], the Urbs, went on to the adjectives!) and there's the droning,
It is a memorable renditio[...]Slouched like a beastly lover"
enjoyable piece and best reflects The Stones' _Stones. It's another b[...]pnotit; musings. It gives the best of self- None, and nothing at all to do with Japan. (look to El[...]imilar character). In todays Dooley on drums and Chris Knox on org-
young, by the young. Guitar[...]roovy" society, where permissiveness an and backing vocals):
cals go well here.[...]If you're not listening carefully,
sumably) and asking mirrors· on the wall,[...]that line could read "outer space" and so
"What's it al I for then?" The song[...]old flame, saying "Come and marry me (a positive, close, secur[...]next year ... I'll be quiet and good/be lit- finish the record), "Moderation[...]ry Days" packs more into one and a half the perceptive and thoughtful with the[...]n many manage to get into an eccentric and unique to create songs[...]and strangely soothing. of[...]cord at all. Eight songs (.I think) and some north) or professional pub-rock plugge[...]" - cal unit who channel their talents and in-[...]m), fluences (we all have both) wisely and[...]derstand) and "Outer Date World". Also · Ti[...]since last year and was at one stage under that concerned with[...]and Campbell Mclay doing most of the[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (41)[...]f~ontal lobotomies) and small groups mena- the year 1953. In the middle o[...]cing each other and the band. in a New York hotel r[...]e over, Eu- Physicist is disturbed from his study and
hensive about his trip to New Zealand,[...]a Communist-hating
unsure of. the natives' humour and their[...]e back, you'd Senator, a vivacious blonde actress and a
reaction to him. Monday night's perfor-[...]better come up the front now and dance. gum-popping baseball player. We know all
m[...]Another piece of dirge and then what could they have in common? The[...]ther props were kept to the bare mini- up and went through a series of originals .[...]r nificance with its relatively small cast of
mum and even the stage ·set .was simplisi- and covers. There was not much reaction op[...]Snail Clamps regulars, local band types and During their set, all the stage mic[...]"The an increasing number of out of town and _Phones were _damaged or broken and the nificance is made up of 95% fact and 5%
Secret Policemen's Other Ball" or Atkin- Lower Hutt boot boys and girls. stage and Snail Clamps were converted into fiction.
son's a[...]set continued, that ken beer bottles and general anarchy. Johnson was first performed at the
with Atkinson viv<1city and humour they there would be an alcohol prob[...]Despite valiant initial efforts for a while and I don't think they're doing 1982 and its season at Centrepoint will be
Wedding 1,2 and 3", "The Devil" and by the door people, it soon proved im[...]ter" were some of the 'repeats' ible to try and convince people recovering ~nyway,[...]through the .No Idea aset and the police ar-[...]Dennett and Carmel McGlone.[...]September 10th, so make up a party and
being too much of a punishment) . Bob[...]have a great night out.
Jones and The New Zealand Party were ched out peo[...]call at the box office between 10am and
only to a fun.ny farm. Of course no satire fe[...]Student discount price is $6.50
pense of the country's leader. "French[...]may Idea finished their set unperturbed' and After the phenomenal success of[...]to follow. are vacant seats. Only $5.50.
Even Atkinson himself did· not[...]g the rain- tubes, he was cracking jokes and chiding
coated, abusive member of the audience[...]"When we do you'd better . get up and
da[...]better get up and dance. If you don't I can[...]New Complex now at 166 The Square
of his face and limbs. As . a bored church- ence swooning with admiration for one of
goer in "Church" and a tights-clad their biggest guiding 'lights.
amat[...]expresses that un- the side curtain was torn down and a few[...]records and tapes
inhibited craziness which hides in all of p[...]ere was about ten people
taking out your eyeballs and frying them on stage, all passing bottles to each other
for your loved one, he allows us to enjoy and generally looking tough. As the music • Check our hit price record and tape bins
a little bit of deviance.[...]• separate classical records and tapes[...]• sound and light hire[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (42)[...]ies in the glass studios "vigorous, innovative and inventive in
If you haven't noticed ar[...]than colour. His emphasis on how ."
and buckets of lead crystal has been set exempt from taxation. and during the planning and the fixed idea he has of A 28 pag[...]has been produced in conjunction with
old, and the Auckland blower Garry in which a F[...]e without loss of rank. The medium of and overseas glassblowers. of the[...]This unusual event is part of a glass is 5000 years old. and in New Zealand. It also includes
national 'a[...]ifferent from wants he'll scrap it and start again. His studio will be operating at
and talk to an artist 'in action'," says anythin[...]sblowers 10am unti.1 5pm ori September 12,13 and
Glassblowing is the councils most[...]ble of glass's growth are exhibiting and selling glass in an un- 14. In the mornings h[...]ambitious 'residency' yet, taking a year to and shape. "All I want to do is make precedented volume all over the world. and demonstrating glass techniques and in
get the project on the road. Garry[...]afternoons he will be running work-
designed and constructed the studio him- His fir[...]g was done came in 1979 of glass and the already thriving ceramics Sponsors for th[...]for this are the OE 11 Arts Council, Rockgas and
It was chosen as this year's art[...]KENYA

INdependant .KENYA $ 23.50 NUCLEAR .POWER : For Beginners[...]i anonymous because they Informative, amusmg and alarming.
are still living in their country.[...]history FIVE MONTHS WITH SOLIDARITY
and thought. .J' TAYLOR $9.95
M.Janssen-Jurreit $18.50 The most remarkable develop[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (43)[...]ect , a nd o ne toge th er sin ce 1950, th o ugh th eir[...]z tri o to unde r th e name Home made Ja m and co mm crc'ia l s po nso r - Sc[...]1s' A r is Co uncil. and perfo rm e rs . Hi s pe r fo rmin g T[...]n th e S ta tes, Ca nada, the wo rld " and it was c lea r th a t the ir
o u t o f r ob ber[...]tripled , fo r th em. In D uned in 500[...]yea rs 10 sc.: fa mil y a nd fr iend s, and 10 wercn ' t ~o lu ck y.[...]n 1 '>e lec t io ns fro m Stockhausen and
aco ustic rh ythm s . Thi s work crossed[...]style." The
signi fica nce of th@ group's work, and[...]a l theatre'> fro m Auc kl a nd Shirkh and c fro m Ihe In d ia n C ultura l
MIKE NOCK[...]'> e111in a r'> and !ee l til'C'> on Gtm p usc'> for th e Ne[...]Co un cil in 1973 and aga in in 1976 .[...]N.

The Internationa[...]ity Card (ISIC)
gives full time students 50 % standby concession on airfares throughout New Z[...]ions include
selected theatres , cinemas and retail stores.
Student Travel Ser[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (44)[...]y night was a cracker, nesday night and was the only disappoint·
Canterbury 8 -8[...]0 standard' of her play and Denise the confused on Wednesday morn[...]pposed to lose to sight of the "Waikato" and Massey teams. raising hell. Roscoe tha[...]annihilated us 12-4. Once the 1983" and looked exquisite in a matching[...]et by Evans. Dave "Wheels" Carol E. and Tim for their selection at the
the team won the 'most social players' bumper boats and mini golf on Tamaki was runner-up in .frilly panties and Jason NZU trials, and to Max the Medic. A few
prize, narrowly defeating[...]ed doubles enjoyable; entertaining and expensive
highly contested title. With the large[...]accepting dona-
number of enthusiastic supporters and day on the mini golf. Before hitting[...]thefr women would Thanks to Lance and Wendy and, a
necessary. Thus, Doug found himself[...]had a play against the "Waikato" men, and special thanks to Waikato for not[...]team! See you round like a rectangle.
Canterbury, and Simon, Wayne, Peter, vain. We met t[...]ic women trounced
Scrooge, Stimpy, Wheels, Smyles and afternoon and lost narrowly in some over the 4 "Wai[...]ousand in sickening thud of baton upon head and
work of Merata Mita and others. It is a[...]roughout the room.
portrait of the events before and during[...]to show its stance and vowed that it was possible. Clips of Palmer[...]nion. They fence sat. showed the restraint and control that the
Protestors Association - '81".[...]It was election year and they wer-e going "protestors" could retain.[...]to sit it out and see what happens. Games Polls showe[...]scussions with called it a question of law and order.
vivid in all our minds. Nine people going[...]The rest of the film concentrated and now having relived it through the
On th[...]Gisborne, film, I question who's law and order.
ories were recalled. The feelings of vic-[...]h to the last test in Auckland, What law and order?
tory, of defeat - the fear. What was it t[...]speeches and the protests. us of the horrors and conflict that many[...]system of tance, South African police and army -[...]People throughout the country of the dead and maimed.
- were for the sporting boycotts imposed[...]t was an expression trated on early '81 and the lead up to the
of both .; ,_;r opposition t[...]ered different aspects from
with racist regimes and their solidarity
with the resistance movements[...]'81 tour, it rec_alled the events leading up
to and during the tour.[...]organisational meetings and marchs[...]Physics at UCLA, and worked as an en- y'see, has sent the daughter to invite a fused me!) - and when ,lechnical · talk is[...]lly, but could be hard
constructive for a change. And since that from a background of discipl[...]speak with him. going for some. And if, like me, you're an
august personage the Editor welcomes the beauty of alternatives and radical de- After an argument, t[...]accepted behaviour. proposals, and n-dimensional geometry, "name droppings"[...]oreographed riot! Paying homage to and two kilometres up, we discpver the Benne[...]s", "The Day 'pulp' greats (pre- and post-war cheap Professor has built a[...]on that one! Good read, wield swords and lasers as easily and ex- (the car bombers - all bloody go, i[...]done some work for
too, although 35 years old!), and such pertly as computers and welding gear. only to land in more[...]e book even starts, "He's a mad and elsewhen ![...]arship Troopers", "Stranger ·Scientist and I'm his beautiful daughter"(!) This merely touches the surface,
in a Strange Land", and the positively (Before anyon[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (45)[...]pick out the
going to predominate next year and if flat, a holiday job, or [improvement of] Mum stage is fading away and only per- situation when anether humqn's rights a[...]onal action will ensure the continuation violated and fight against that violation,
form to that u[...]rom Phil to be able t«i pick
the. dogmatism and arrogance that the completely wrong: Th[...]owly, protection of the nature of praise, for him and his rugby fan,
through phases of conceptual confusion should consolidate that want, and that in his neighbourhood will become more Mr Chalmers).
and contradiction but, remember, that[...]not see how small the world is and how
with new material, that even if not his-[...]crop up for all of us, and the Palestinian
concept like "democracy", so[...]roblem or the peace talks are some
-· together 2,500 years ago.[...]for our personal, private, self-orientated
50, No. 49) had an air of authority[...]applied ethics and conceptual aRalysis. If
running through it b[...]ot realised what an education
cation that he and his buddies were some[...]mportantly, it
cess". A certain A.S.H. (Vol. 50, No. 49,[...]elect rejects this way of thinking and is
obvious. They have no time to ask: Is[...]classified to a group with "by definition
and access to the polls? Has democracy[...]practical with his idealism, and the. reac-
Indeed, how has reform ever been[...]• tion is understandable; since Massey stu-
and accepted if, as usual, it comes from[...]may have the ability and desire to do so,
Your campaign comment on new[...]across, albeit in a very indirect and one-
n.a rrowmindedness, placed in the author[...]of the previous, it becomes a DUTY, and
the percentage of a minority should be[...]gful till he makes sense of such ation and the one to succeed. Only if
piece of reasonin[...]will be passed on tb us withstands the
and becomes pure CENSORSHIP. Again, I'll h[...]only then can we feel com-
system the stress and insult come from. he is, quite justifiably, the centre of the a storehouse for the heavier and longer pletely grateful and enter a phase of crea-
So it is not that we l[...]tivity based on that data.
on rape -and decide conclusively what -of course, manage to crawl out of his eye- and '.'democracy"; ideology is not any-[...]minist, Beer-
system. So, too, with feminists and
hom*osexuals. They claim they are
oppressed, intellectually and sexually.
How, then, can you deny them extra[...]ve to the concept we are analysing.
equality? And don't tell me that their
claim to oppression[...]ar President elect,
have been. intellectually and mostly sex-
ually oppressed even though your[...]if you like, that,
you unfortunately became - and stayed.[...]and nothing less, is what we mean by
Others revol[...]~ tria~ flight and welcoming definition, idealistically[...]st, or in-
represent is so essentially boring and FOR MORE-INFORMATIO[...]people that can successfully see and ques:
ectly - is supported by the decl[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (46)[...]from the March Ball(!) and other
Will be the date an.d venue of the[...]tually be no longer
election of officers and cultural pro- a[...]the wardrobe (Tuesday and Thursday,[...]direction and activities of the Womens[...]Appointment of Welfare and Edu-[...]cation Officers, Self Determination Poli - and for 1984.[...]Education and Welfare Officers 1984 are ASSOCIAT[...]from the floor. WOMIN AND PEACE
Bill Greenfield - Ads {73-718)
And Mike, Jim, Arron, Tom, Mark and[...]a say in any policy and to be able to plan[...]ved and were disillusioned at and after
WILSOll JEWELLERS[...]starting our organisation proper, and we[...]be in to the groups so that we can be effective and co-[...]1. Sounds like a cavalry base and no[...]t they did it there.
ENGA.GEMENT AND WEDDING[...]Table for priests and Gods.[...]21. Keep it up and keep smiling.
•'[...]Tennis players and waiters both do it,[...]Milk, this, and a tuba and you have a[...]There is supposedly one missing, and a[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (47)[...]days and was so impressed, I am giveaway price. Ther[...]ll .annihilate the
of admissions to universities and J .Q. Walrustitty in the last issue arriv[...]ealthy (as it is now): Python producers, and think venient time) and despite a close To top off this first[...]ay, night hospitality - New Zealand and write something then!!!
that university entrance[...]educated person ought.
and that some academic criteria[...]filling exotic food and non-stop[...]of FINGERSNAP (Orwell:New- to Pete and mates and mater- And look to the sky,
to tertiary education exists. C[...]t ser- incidental Manawatu hospitality And look to the electric blanket,
ary school are hand[...], apparently, or is it just
economic deprivations and un-[...]many ship atmosphere, delicious food/ And doze off to sleep,
place at university (and we know places here) and no financial blue ribbon chefesses who pr[...]money - for any service vided filling meals and interest- I awaken
will be prevented from at[...]whatsoever such as my ing air of cultural (and humo- And look to the electric blanket,
The quality standar[...]n. Openhouse, comfort- I roll over
proved and the supposed fewer[...]he wedding (I replaced able accommodation and people And l9ok to the sky,
numbers attending will mean[...], trans- And doze off to sleep,
sincerely deserve them - and[...]friendliness of the bunch and I[...]talents and knowledge depth shower and shave and go outside[...]Sorry to waste more val- (mainly music and accounting
A Conservative Liberal.[...]rain and blowing a gale.
questions)..[...]from the big KL and elsewhere).[...]banners for political power and/
or peace,[...]Golda Meir, and Margaret cuisine/feeding time. I ended up[...]I love me mother and me mother[...]Just what improvement friendly staff and a t.v. (off at into one of admiaration for t[...]s, Massites or Massecti- I love me mother and me mother[...]tions and queries. Firstly ... over- We try to live in ha[...]If this is an advantage, I'll eat tion and dwelling at my sugges- seas students despi[...](Bursary Budget Bargain) and[...]complete their studies She don't smoke weed and she
rising[...]successfully to satisfy career and don't drink wine[...]a day prior and during a wedding She alway sing some kinda[...]was absolutely amaz- She have big muscle and she very
e[...]hich a takeaways busi- She like puss* cat and she like
up[...]ness manager and crew on the cashew nut[...]no one has a right to) I love me mother and me mother
ARDENT[...]I love her and she love me too
ning about the place waving[...]And this is a love I know is true
little red flags and eating caviar. ATMOSPHERIA[...]Me and my mother we love you
I n·o w declare m[...]nt capitalist. of F oxton Beach sand and surf
either[...]just for a
for Bob Jones, I think I'll run questions, and adding provoca- name. The first rose I saw was a
away and be a hermit. tive thought to a su[...]what
dancy and was sent to Fair Go). connurbation, I mad[...]me by proprietor & Co. viewing Sciences and at the top of the
goodwill and respect for needs the test (a winning fo[...]unk.but now
and feelings. I tasted this joyous indoors. Plea[...]atmosphere and experienced the your vegetarian r[...]
Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (48)[...]RVICES OFFERED

Full ran_ge Europa products and accessories

Full workshop services[...]


<p><em>Chaff</em> existed from 1934 to 2012 and&nbsp;was the student newspaper of the Massey Agricultural College Students&#39; Association&nbsp;and, after university status was attained in 1[...]

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07. Massey University Library, accessed 22/08/2024,

Chaff, 50(19), 1983-09-07 (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.