Mad Island Walkthrough Guide (2024)

In Mad Island, players craft, explore, build, farm, fish, capture creatures, and battle to escape an island.

After a cruise shipwreck, you wake on an island with another protagonist, switching between them as you search for friends.

The island has enemies who can become allies and hosts natives who can be enslaved for labor.

Customize characters, craft various items, and level up skills through battles and exploration.

This article contains the Mad Island walkthrough guide by Baron Bloodsnows including controls, crafting, bosses, and more.

  • Controls
  • Versions
  • New Game
  • First Days
  • Materials, crafting, and crafting locations
  • Bosses, Bases, and Beats
  • Bosses, Bases, and Beats (continued)
  • Bosses, Bases, and Beats (continued 2, electric boogaloo)
  • Bosses, Bases, and Beats (continued 3, I’m waiting for a tree)
  • NPCs combat, controls, and care
  • NPCs combat, controls, and care (continued)
  • Equipables and outfits
  • Equipables and Outfits (continued)

Mad Island guide

This guide is by Baron Bloodsnows (on Steam) which is still a work in progress.

Tip: Press CTRL + F on your keyboard to find the section that you’re looking for.


The game is in early access, so things like control bugs may change. This assumes that you have never played a game, especially an H game before, so only look at the “advanced” controls if you know how to play a game, as it goes over special mechanics.

Directions are given as north (up), west (left), south (down), and east (right), though east and west will be interchanged with right and left respectively. North and south will not be interchanged with up and down for reasons involving a specific late-game item.


Your character will “face” or aim in whatever direction you last moved, though your sprite (along with all sprites/characters) will only face left or right. This can get a little confusing, so the best thing to do is wait to see what an NPC moves toward or to move yourself in the direction of whatever you want to face.


The entire game can be played with solely a mouse, but it is not recommended, as this style of play is very hard.

Left-click is interact and confirm, allowing you to commit to automatic action, such as chasing and attacking, mining a rock or chopping a tree down, harvesting an interactable, opening the interaction dialogue with friendly NPCs and certain structures, and more.

Right-click is the block or secondary action button (secondary action isn’t used except with a specific item).

Middle mouse, or the scroll wheel, will allow you to zoom in or out by scrolling up or down respectively, as well as adjust camera positioning by clicking and dragging with middle mouse, allowing you to pan around the screen, keeping your played character on screen.


The entire game can be played with the keyboard, though it is recommended to play with both keyboard and mouse.

W = move north at “speed”
A = move west at “speed”
S = move south at “speed”
D = move east at “speed”

W and S cancel each other out, and A and D cancel each other out. Pressing W and A, W and D, S and A, or S and D will move you North West, North East, South West, and South East respectively. Your maximum speed is “speed”, or roughly one meter at game start.

Q is the party interact button and must be held down to interact with it with a mouse. The Dance (0) emote will increase others’ love of you, and sometimes the morale will increase. The Dance (1) is a special dance that will increase the love of those who like you, and decrease the love of those who are at negative moral and less than 50 love or anyone with negative love. The intimidate (2) will decrease love and possibly morale, though imI have a hard time getting NPCs to interact with this one. The sit (3) allows you to sit down as you do in cutscenes, which can look funny sometimes, and I am uncertain if any NPCs interact with this one.

E is the Auto button, allowing interaction with the nearest object of interest. Enemies are prioritized and clare chansed and attacked, but beyond that priority, ai do not know. You will be able to interact with crafting tables, though navigating with the keyboard is impossible. You will mine, cut, harvest, or chase and attack an animal if they are the nearest thing to you. You can open up NPCs interaction dialogue if they are friendly with you, though I do not believe you can navigate any of their dialogue boxes without clicking.

H is the quick discard button. hovering over an item in the inventory or equipment spaces will automatically take the item out of your inventory and set it out on the ground as though you dragged it out of your inventory. great for quickly undressing the dead or clearing your inventory of garbage, which is rare to have garbage.

All number keys link to the respective first 10 inventory slots you have.

R is the grab button, only useful to removing a single female combatant from battle with both enemies and allies and is only recommended if they are alone to prevent damage to yourself or if you really want them and your allies might kill them otherwise.

T allows you to butcher captured animals in your inventory. hover over an animal you have knocked unconscious and press T.

F is the heavy attack button, allowing you to deal your heavy attack damage, starting at twice the time it takes to attack normally to deal twice as much damage. Some weapons have an alternative attack in place of a heavy attack or in addition to it, but these are mid and late-game items.

Shifting while moving will make you run, moving significantly faster than before.

X is the run toggle fast select. this will make it so you always run or only run when shifting.

M will open your map, showing you where you are and where you have been. You must fill out the map yourself, so exploration is important.

Tab will open the settings menu, allowing you to easily see the different settings and interact with them with the mouse button.

Bugs with controls:

X will work no matter the menu or cutscene, meaning when inputting cheats and commands, accidentally pressing while talking to an NPC, or when in inventory, it will toggle the run button.

Opening the Map with the console active will disable all movement except automove via E and mouse controls, disallowing any use of the console or recovery into it, as well as the inability to interact with your inventory outside of opening it.


There are three “versions” of the game, though none are massively different from one another.

The base game is a mosaic censored game with most entities spawning in the game, nothing that would peeve Steam. Almost everything in the game is here, and nothing is required from the other versions.

The demosaic/uncensor is already equipped for the game and requires some modifications. If you want to demosaic, you must contact me, as Steam is threatening the game, players, and perusers for sharing the instructions openly.

The All Entities version must be obtained from the game creator’s website or Discord. the only thing the DLC does is add in the “Native Girl” and “Native Boy” Petite species, and if you don’t know what that means, this DLC is not for you. If you want to All Entities in your game, you must contact me, as Steam is threatening the game, players, and perusers for sharing the instructions openly.

The All Entities and Demosaic are two different modifications, and turning one on does not turn the other on. All entities are still censored in the All Entities versions UNLESS you do both All Entities and Demosaics instructions, removing all mosaics from the game… supposedly.

New Game

When opening the game, you will see it’s probably in Japanese. To fix this, the second button-up is options, opening a menu on the right side. The drop-down menu on the right top is the language menu, allowing you to change the language.

Now the game should be mostly in English, and the entire menu most notably, assuming you picked it.

The top menu selection is load game and should be greyed out. This is how you continue your game once you save it.

The second top is new game, which I don’t recommend pressing yet. It will put you into the game and start the initial cutscene, and your settings might not be ready.

Next is editing, allowing you to edit the female main character, Yona, changing her hair in the front and back, her nose, her bikini top, skin, eyes, and hair color. You can also press a tab button to show Man, the male main character you can play as, allowing you to change his solid hair, his nose, his shirt skin, eye, and hair color. In the lower right is the save button, and a dress undress button is below the main character displayed.

Option is the one you selected before, allowing access to languages, display size, window or fullscreen mode, interaction, music, and voice volume. I personally play windowed with one resolution smaller than my screen, but that is only for quick tabbing reasons, as I do enjoy a good fullscreen cutscene myself if you catch my meaning.

Last is exit which will close the game. Not often will you use this.

When you are ready with your settings, character designs, and whatever extra materials you desire, you can press new game.

New game will load your current characters upon load, which are default skins when you open the game each time, or whatever you changed them to after investigating edit. The game starts in a cutscene involving Yona, 3 NPC friends you can find currently, and one NPC friend you cannot find so far as I have found.

Takumi is a relatively rich guy who is friends with Yona and Keigo, inviting Keigo and his female friends on a boat trip that only he knows how to pilot. Keigo is a jock type attracting many girls but sticks with Reiko, his girlfriend. Reiko is a pretty girl with some friends she wanted to bring on this personal cruise of Takumi. Yona is friends with Takumi and Reiko. There is a shy girl, but I don’t remember her name and you can’t find her currently in the game.

Regardless, Takumi is drunk, and falls off the boat shortly before it crashes, sending Yona and the shy girl overboard.

Yona wakes up alone on the beach and wanders nearby to find Man.

First Days

The first few days in the game are very difficult, as you will be unable to fight even as an experienced player until you obtain enough resources.

Day one

Day one should be spent collecting as many Berrys and Fibers as possible, making an axe and pick, gathering at least 50 stones and 50 iron (rock is also labeled rock, but it has a different metal shards texture on it as well) using the pick axe, and as much wood as you can gather, this should be done until the morning of day 2, as it will be unsafe to return home until you can set up the barest of bases.

Collecting resources will theoretically get you everything you need to venture out safely during the day. AVOID VILLAGES DURING THE FIRST DAY, it is simply too dangerous to enter one at this stage of the game during the day. when you feel you have enough wood and the suggested others, you can return to base (the flag) by opening your map and clicking the blue flag, teleporting you freely back.

Whether done during the day, the night, or day 2, make a crafting table from the crafting menu in the lower left, set it down, make a furnace, set it nearby, and fill the table with everything but the iron, this includes Wood, Stone, Sticks, Fiber, Rope, Sap, Cloth, and if you want to waste space then leaves and berries as well, and the furnace gets the Iron.

Craft the Iron into 5 ingots (or more if you got more), place them into the crafting table to craft an Iron Bench, and place it nearby. fill it with whatever resources you want AND that fifth iron ingot to make a pan, as it is important for a craft you will need.

Day two

Day two is all about improving your arsenal and checking out what is available to you resource-wise and map-wise if you are new to the game. first things first, you have likely reached level two, possibly more, on whichever character you have been playing as. Open your status window and upgrade a stat based on the play style you want to have, or just attack as it works with all play styles.

if you want to dodge attacks, then leveling up health should wait until you have leveled up speed and attack to 10, then every five levels in speed and attack should give one to health to keep up with the enemy if you mess up or get surrounded. I recommend fast weapons or ranged ones, the Bow is the only range one I am aware of, but the Katana, Iron Sword, and the spear at this early point in the game. when you get a chance to make the Iron Sword, it will be likely the only damaging weapon you use until you get the Katana at the mid to late game.

If you want to tank through the enemy, level up health, then attack and maybe speed if you want to, though it might be unnecessary depending on the shield you pick. any weapon works with this build as you won’t have enough time for a second attack, just right-click as they are about to attack to parry, then click space or left-click them to attack, or F if your weapon isn’t going to get you killed being so slow. generally, the 75% reduction shields like the bone one will do well for you in the early to mid-game, but any of the 90% ones in the late game will be necessary. the 100% reduction Iron Shield should only be used in a boss fight you are not ready for but want to face anyway, or an area that is really high level, as the speed debuff can be a death sentence.

If you feel like being a “pacifist”, there is always the option of using minions to fight for you. Follow Cap is a hard concept to understand, as it isn’t “3 follow cap means 3 followers” but “3 follow cap means 3 follower points”, which means one native at this current juncture. Increasing the follow cap increases the number of points you can put in it, maxing out at 8. Two natives will be 6/8 at max, and two named NPCs will be 8/8. certain fighting animals are helpful as well, having a bear if you can manage to take one down is great, but it needs quite a bit of your follow cap, not to mention it cuts off the possibility of more followers that are worth something. when you can find it, and if you have a weapon that does 10 or more faint, then taking the werewolf as a companion will set you for the rest of the game, as it can solo just about any boss, dungeon floor, and enemy camp you want it to, though it will more than likely kill you before you can take it down to even try taming it.

More details on all playstyles, as well as what they mean and where to get their best things, will be in another chapter.

Day three to five

These days will be spent upgrading and defining your early base if you are new to the game, or preparing for the first boss fight if you are not. If you are not new, you should know what to do from here. if you are new, a simple base with walls, some spike traps, and more resources than you think you need will go a long way. hunting will be a priority, both people and animals.

Food and water at this point have been supplied solely through berries if you have followed this guide, but you may have killed a few animals and collected leather. that leather is important, as it lets you make the second most important item in the game, the water bag. the chances of you running out of water are slim, but when you do, it’s incredibly hard to recover. It’s also great for when NPCs get thirsty, as they sometimes don’t drink water for whatever reason, slowly losing health they won’t heal up if you have that perk. speaking of…

Yona and Man, the two main characters, have 2 separate level pools that can level health, attack, and speed, but share the skill levels. when you reach a combined level of 7 (you start at level 1, and need to level up 5 times), you will have enough points to buy your first skill. I HIGHLY recommend the Healing passive. while delaying resources right now might feel painful, you will find you die far less when you passively heal back to full after any unlucky encounters. from there, the best ones to focus on are resource gatherings “Harvest”, and “Carry” so you can carry more NPCs and Animals, and Smash for your heavies to do more damage. If you are going the path of minions, their healing into full carry and leadership is simply superior to everything else.

Materials, crafting, and crafting locations

Crafting is obtuse if you haven’t searched every crafting table and messed around with inventories. Three things to keep in mind are: 1. Crafting tables have set craftables that only change with certain quest items; 2, some crafts are made from NPC crafting tables by interacting with them and hitting the craft button; 3. All crafting tables must have the resources to make the item you want in its inventory, or in a sharable chest like Cloud storage and Spider chest.

Material Sources

Let’s start with what you need to craft with or survive to begin with.

There are 5 kinds of materials you can collect: hand and free tool, axe, pick, shovel, and enemy loot.

Hand and free tool materials can be collected without any special tools and materials. Bushes, small cacti, berry bushes, tree bushes, barrels, boxes, sticks, rocks, mushrooms, shells, and (Energybar, will find name later) are all found in the world and can be collected from with any tool in hand without consuming its durability, or even your bare hand.

Axe materials require the axe to obtain them either by equipping the axe and interacting with an object or equipping the axe and using it on a corpse menu item. Axes are used on trees, mushroom trees, tall cactus, thin trees, and hard wood. Hard wood requires an iron or diamond axe to cut down.

Pick materials require a pick to harvest resources from them. Stone, iron stone, gold stone, blood stone, scrap, and Chaos Ore require pick axes to get resources from them. Chaos ore must be mined with an iron or diamond pick axe.

Shovels are used to obtain dirt, sand, and clay, all by using the right click, which digs instead of blocking. Dirt is obtained from mud, dirt, grass, and roads. Sand is obtained from deserts and beaches. Clay is obtained from wet mud often found outside a village as a mud patch near the village on the map.

Enemy loot is obtained by defeating an enemy and taking from their inventory or equipment. Each enemy has a random chance for a random selection of items no matter the location on the island. Some things can only be used by certain NPCs, some can be used by NPCs and Players, and some are materials that are only obtainable via the NPCs.

Loot Drops

Below is a list of all loot drops and the modifiers that affect them. The source of material will be followed by a list of guaranteed materials listed with numbers, going from gathering 0 to gathering 5, and a set of parenthesis with the same, the parenthesis representing materials that aren’t guaranteed.


  • Rock – rocks 1/2/3
  • Stick- sticks 1/2/3
  • Bush [just leaves] – leaves 4/6/8/12, ? 4/6/8/12, (grub 1, Herb 1)
  • Bush [small tree] – sticks 4/6/8/12, fiber 2/3/4/6, (grub 1)
  • Bush [berrys] – leaves 4/6/8/12, berries 4/6/8/12, (grub 1)
  • Bush [mushroom] – stick 3/4/6/9, (sap 2/3/4/6)
  • Bush [small cactus] – cactus 2/3/4/6
  • Box –
  • Barrel –
  • shell – sea shell 1/2/3
  • Fnicker Bar – fnicker bar 1
  • Mushroom [color] – mushroom [color] 1/2/3
  • Herb [color] – herb [color] 2/3/4/6
  • Hive – hive 1/2/3, honey 2/3/4/6
  • Coral [color] – coral [color] 2/3/4/6

Axe equipped

  • Tree [oak] – wood 4/6/8/12, acorn 2/3/4/6, (sap 2/3/4/6, sticks 1/2/3)
  • Tree [dark wood] – wood 5/7/10/15, (sap 2/3/4/8, sticks 1/2/3)
  • Tree [mushroom] – wood 6/9/12/18, (sap 2/3/4/6, acorn 2/3/4/6)
  • Tree [thin] – wood 4/6/8/12
  • Tree [Palm] – wood ?/?/?/?
  • Cactus [tall] – cactus ?/?/?/?
  • Tree [Sturdy] – Hardwood ?/?/?/?
  • corpse [dismember option] – 1 selected limb (head, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg)
  • Spooky Tree [enemy chopped down] – Spooky wood

Pick Equipped

  • Scrap – 1 item guarantee (rotten flesh 1/2/3, iron 1/2/3)
  • Stone [rock] – rock ?/?/?/?, (iron ?/?/?/?)
  • Stone [iron deposit] – iron 2/3/4/6, (iron 1/2/3, stone 2/3/4/6)
  • Stone [gold deposit] – gold 2/3/4/6, (stone 2/3/4/6)
  • Stone [bloodstone deposit] – bloodstone 2/3/4/6, (stone 2/3/4/6)
  • Cursed Vase – ? ?/?/?/?
  • Chaos Ore – chaos ore 2/3/4/6


  • Dirt – dirt 1+level gathering-3+level gathering
  • grass – dirt 1+level gathering-3+level gathering
  • mud [not slowing] – dirt 1+level gathering-3+level gathering, (dirt 1-3, vine 1 {if in swamp})
  • beach – sand 1+level gathering-3+level gathering
  • desert – sand 1+level gathering-3+level gathering
  • mud [slowing] – clay 1+level gathering-3+level gathering

Dead Enemies (no bosses)

Some items may be equipped and require the player to open their equipment to find.

  • spider [cave[ – nothing
  • Spider [dark forrest] – 2 web
  • bat – bone 2/3/4/6
  • snail – snail [dead] 1
  • crab – crab shell 1
  • bee – grub 1
  • Male Native – 1 item guarantee (
  • Big Native –
  • Female Native –
  • Native Girl [patch] –
  • Native Boy [patch] –
  • Native Grandpa –
  • Native Grandma –
  • Petite Native –
  • Amazon [patch] –
  • Angler – pink stone ?/?/?/?
  • Shark –
  • Werewolf –
  • Bigfoot – (bigfoot peen sword 1)
  • Milky – high-grade beef 2/
  • Neck –
  • Skeleton –
  • Daddy –
  • Dog Guardian –
  • Guardian –
  • Mummy –
  • Underground Man – Study Bone 1-3, cursed orb 1-3
  • Underground Old Woman – cloth 1-3, (sturdy bone 1-3)
  • Underground Woman – cloth 1-3, underground woman’s clothes 1
  • vampirescorpion –
  • Worm – strange liquid 1/2/3
  • Ent –
  • Cursed Tree –
  • Whooper –
  • Alligator –
  • Crawdad –

Bosses, Bases, and Beats

Once you have reached day 5, the rest of the game is about building a base (which I don’t do), fighting bosses, and working on the story. I will go over quests in this chapter, so if you do not want spoilers, please skip to the next chapter, “NPCs Combat, controls, and Care”. Quests will be listed in Collection order and may be more or less difficult depending on whether you do them in that order or not, as some are time-sensitive, but later in the Collection. if the collection item or quest is not part of the main storyline, then I will give it to the Yona Quest section, the Man Quest section, or the worldly possessions section.

there are 3 kinds of Quests: Both MCs (Green Fog), Yona quests (Red fog only allows the Female MC to do them), and Man Quests (Blue Fog only allows the Male MC to do them). keep this in mind, as the entire main storyline can be completed as Yona, but not as Man.

Main Story

The first quest to do will be the Meat Bench, acquired by defeating the Native Chieftain. Go from your spawn location on the beach directly north. You will encounter a small camp of 2 tents on the way, but will eventually reach a wall of green fog. The Native Chieftain is the boss on the other side of the fog.

He has 4 actions during the fight. A punch attack that can be dodged by running through him. A crouch while reaching to his back, then he jumps and lands a distance away from that spot dealing a significant area of effect, remaining still is your best option. A crouch and pose that will have purple particles combine into a pink ball that flies at you, best to move diagonally while this attack happens. He will reach behind him and grab a fishing pole to soothe his soul and heal himself at about 1/4th his health or less sometimes, the best chance to deal damage to him.

Yona has a defeat animation with the Native Chieftain. Lose all HP, but not all lives, and he will pick you up and choke you with the third fishing line. when your faint is reduced to 0, you will be given a button to skip the scene, or you can left-click and watch Yona have forced fun with the chieftain.

When defeated, it will show the location of the chest containing the Meat Bench. th Meat Bench will allow you to make better use of corpses and special items related to corpses. a good early game early game table to boost your power a little bit.

The Second quest is the Spider Bench, obtained after defeating the Spider Boss Spike. there is a path on the left side of the beach from the one above your starting base. following that will take you to a larger village, and beyond it is the spider cave. following the left side/top side of the cave will lead you to the green fog blocking your path. Spike will drop from the ceiling at the beginning of the fight, and his health will reset if this is your first time fighting him.

Spike has 3 actions. spike will pull back his arms and stab at you, running in any direction will save you. spike will lay down and shoot out 3 cave spiders to assist in the fight, all are one hit but can leave you vulnerable. Spike will ascend and drop 5 balls of webs that become slowing terrain temporarily, best to kite Spike into attacking you elsewhere.

Yona has a defeat animation with Spike. Lose all HP but not all lives, and spike will pull on your limbs until your faint bar is reduced to 0. After, he will give you some forced fun, and you will awaken in the nearby webbed area right of the boss tunnel.

Defeating spike will break rock and reveal the spider bench chest. Spike is easier to defeat than the chieftain, and a good early-game exp farm, but the spider bench is only useful for the spider chest, allowing all crafting tables in a radius to take from its inventory as well.

The Third quest is the Man Bench, and requires Yona to travel east. You will find a river with a bridge across it near the beach, and beyond the bridge is a tent and a campfire, with a red fog wall beyond it. a cutscene with “the Uncle” will play, ending with a boss fight with the Uncle.

The uncle has 2 attacks. One attack has him attempt to punch Yona, and can be avoided by moving to the other side of him or by running away. One attack has him attempt to shoulder-check Yona, leaving him open for 2 or 3 heavy attacks if he misses by moving diagonally.

Yona has a defeat animation with the Uncle. lose all HP but not all lives, and he will start strangling Yona until her faint reaches 0. After, he will give Yona some forced fun, and awaken elsewhere.

When Uncle is defeated, a new chest will appear with the Man Bench. You may now make items related to the fun parts of people like milk machines, knives (for guro aspects), and an outfit, and is really only useful for arming early game Native Girls and Native Boys.

The Fourth quest is the Green Stone, obtained by defeating Planton. At the center north of the swamp is a bunch of cliffs and a green fog wall. A cut scene will play and reveal Planton in his full form and does not heal between retries.

Yona has a defeat animation with the Planton. lose all HP but not all lives, and she will be spanked by vines until her faint reaches 0. After, planton will give Yona some forced fun, and awaken in the nearby village’s mud pit.

defeating Planton will have Planton wither to the side and open a path to the green gem.

The Fifth quest is the Red Stone, obtained by defeating Scythe. In the Desert in the northwest of the map, there is a mountain in the center of the desert containing the centipede boss Scythe. Upon entering the Cauldera of the mountain blocked by green fog, a scene where the MC enters the Cauldera, the sand churns, and Scythe reveals itself.

Scythe has 3 actions. Scythe can raise its arms, and strike once on both sides, hitting the middle twice, best avoided by moving south from Scythe. Scythe has an action where it goes up before sinking underground, making several strikes with its arms as it moves towards you, best avoided by running towards and off to the side of Scythe if your speed is less than 1.2. Scythe has an action where it goes up before going down, moving towards the player, then reappearing near the player, and is used to avoid NPC allies and their attacks.

Defeating Scythe will send Scythe scurrying to the side, crashing into some rocks to reveal the Red Gem.

The Sixth quest is the Blue Stone, obtained by defeating Necks. By Climbing the mountain in the mountain region in the northeast, you will find at the peak a green fog. entering will play a scene that has Necks descend into the arena and begin attacking the MC.

Necks has 4 actions. Necks can struggle to flap up, crashing down in a large area of effect that can catch you when you think you might be far enough away, so be careful. Necks can screech, swiping with one head on each side as they walk towards you, though you are faster than Necks, so keep running. Necks will have the undamaged head shrink its neck before hacking up an egg, best avoided or destroyed quickly to prevent aid to Necks during the fight. Necks can quickly fly up, then to one side of the arena or the other, sending a series of tornados out in one of three rows, best avoided by going to the center top of the arena or the fog wall at the bottom, or by standing and attacking necks and hoping you won’t get hit by the tornado.

Defeating Necks will destroy part of the mountain wall allowing access to the blue gem.

Bosses, Bases, and Beats (continued)

The Seventh quest is Takumis Journal, obtained after the second fight with Takumi. Yona will be the only one able to start and end this quest, though a small portion can be completed by Man.

Yona must go up the small hill near the village south of the swamp, a red fog wall in the way. She will find Keigo and Reika having an intimate moment. regardless of your choice, they will move north and you will too. If you observe, Keigo’s love for Reika will increase, and if you scream, Keigo love for Reika will decrease. this choice will minorly affect the Man quest line for Reika.

After following the mountain wall with Yona through the swamp, you will find a break in the mountain leading to a red fog wall. Takumi, Keigo, and Reika are found by three natives that Keigo kills, and you find them shortly after. after some dialogue, Takumi will tazer Keigo, then tazer and drug Reika. you can observe and allow Reika to gain one intimate scene that is recorded with Takumi before jumping in, or you can help Reika and fight Takumi before he does anything that would normally get him arrested.

You will fight Takumi, who has 4 actions. He can taze you, which does 45 faint, and if you lose all faint, will kill you immediately. he can strike you, which does 9 faint, and if you lose all faint, will kill you immediately, best avoided by running through him and attacking him from behind with a heavy attack. he can swing his arms wildly as he runs in a straight line, ending in him falling over and farting which does faint damage, and if you lose all faint, will kill you immediately, best avoided by running perpendicular to Takumi, then heavy striking him twice after he farts. He will also place Aphrodisiacs that will deal faint damage, and if you lose all faint, will kill you immediately.

Once defeated, Takumi will complain, throw sand in your eyes, and run away. Keigo and Reika will then have a discussion about Takumis interference. Siding with Keigo will set Keigos love to 0 with Reika. siding with Reika will not interfere with Keigo and Reikas relationship. This choice will heavily affect certain events later in the Man quest line for Reika and will allow or prevent the southward quest event if Keigo has 0 love with Reika.

Heading north will allow you to find a small hill with a red fog, which will have Takumi behind it. you will fight him again in a different outfit, but with the same attacks. Your first choice changes the dialogue between Takumi and Yona. Your second choice will change what happens. if you obey, you will bow and be drugged, getting a killed state and an intimate scene. If you kill Takumi, he will no longer be available to interact with, be unable to collect the Tranciever, and will still be able to get into the prison albeit without being informed of it at the normal time. If you tie him up, he will be tied up, and you will need to place 10 food into his inventory, after a time of which he will be able to continue the story.

The Eighth quest is the Transceiver, obtained from keeping Takumi alive. If you keep Takumi alive after tying him up, you will obtain the Transceiver. You will get a bar in the upper right informing you of Takumi’s hunger, which he can starve to death on, or fill up and continue the story when Yona gets close when the bar is filled. Upon Completing it, you will be able to interact with the final quest location we can interact with, and open the prison. If Takumi dies, you will get a red X in place of the Tranciever, but the Prison will open when interacting with the final quest location we can currently Access.

The Ninth is the Trainers Recipe, Obtained by defeating Sally. After entering the Prison, there are several rooms to explore. if you enter from the cave on the south side, staying right, the second room you find will have a hard-to-see hole in the northeast where you will be able to encounter Sally. If you head down from the north, staying to the right, the second room you find will have a hard-to-see hole in the northeast where you will be able to encounter Sally.

If Takumi is captured, he will be tortured by Sally, and several options will be available to you in dialogues. If Takumi is dead, then Sally will be alone, and all things related to Takumi will not apply. She will have a discussion with Takumi, then Man as Man must be the one to enter the room, blocked by a blue fog when in the hard-to-find room, and then begin a fight.

Sally has 2 attacks. One attack is a single whiplash that has a decent range, best avoided by moving perpendicular to the attack path. Sally can also twirl the lash around, slashing it side to side as she walks which can get you into a damage stun lock for a good amount of damage, best avoided by moving diagonally away from her and punishing her with a heavy when she finishes her attack.

After defeating Sally, you will be asked by Takumi to punish Sally. If you kill Sally, the quest ends. If you agree, you will have a three-way forced fun scene with Sally, Takumi, and Man and skip the dialogue followup of denying Takumi. If you deny him, Sally will not accept the situation and allow the Man to have an intimate moment with Sally, Takumi enjoying himself nearby. Three dialogue options that affect your relationship with Sally will appear as a follow-up.

If you leave, Sally will not allow for intimate moments when talking to her. if you partake, you will see the intimate scene and gain 2 dialogue options. If you submit to Sally, you will not be allowed to have intimate moments with Sally, and the quest ends. If you make her submit, then you will be given a new set of options if Takumi is alive, or be allowed intimate moments if not.

If Takumi is alive, then you can punish her and tie her up for forced fun. if you decide not to punish her, then you are allowed intimate moments with her. The quest ends here and there are no other options.

The Tenth non-existent item, and is yet to be implemented. You will enter the Chaos Wastes and find a green fog ring that will have a long dialogue about making a bridge. if you have the transceiver, then Takumi will contact Yona about being captured and likely to die to natives, and Man will offer to rescue him in Yona’s place. From this point on, you may enter the Prison now from the southern cave entrance, southeast of the gem door west of the village outside the lab, or enter from the north, south of the village across the river of the Chaos wastes.

Bosses, Bases, and Beats (continued 2, electric boogaloo)

Yona Quests

P*nis Stone:
To the northeast of the Chieftan’s village is a series of ruins, with the main area having a raised platform and a female headless statue. on another platform to the east of that is a red fog wall leading to the actual platform. entering it will show Hat and Bandana discussing how to open the Ruins. After the scene plays, you will need to fight both Hat and Bandana at the same time, a rather difficult affair best done by being cautious and taking down one or the other before even engaging the other.

Hat has 3 actions. He will reach into his pants and throw a Molotov that sets a large square area on fire, best avoided by moving away and staying away from the burning area left behind. He will raise his gun and fire 5-7 bullets from his shotgun, which must be avoided at the moment as the bullets are not set paths. He will quickly bash you with the butt of the shotgun if you remain too close for too long.

Bandana has 2 attacks and will sometimes block (not functional?). He will pull an arm back and throw a punch, best avoided by walking through him during the wind-up. He will crouch and jump with one knee raised, dealing multiple hits of damage as he travels quite a distance, best avoided by moving diagonally.

if defeated, an interactable defeat scene will play, in which Yona can be beaten for resisting or not complying, and bite down getting herself cut, or submit for a second round afterward.

upon defeating Hat and Bandana, the two will argue before exploding, dropping the p*nis stone which is picked up. going to the ruins, you can move into the headless female statue, which will place the p*nis stone on its crotch, opening the ruins.

North of the ruins is a village, and north of that is a man tied to a post. After agreeing to help him, you will fight a Large Native and three Male Natives. if you continue into the lab’s red fog wall, you will learn about what the lab is and what there is to offer. you will then be forced to fight Cassie.

Cassie Android has 2 attacks. She will stop and punch, dealing massive amounts of damage, avoided by no stopping when possible. She will stop and hold out an arm, firing the arm to deal a decent amount of damage, best avoided by moving diagonally.

If you are defeated by Cassie android, Yona will be beheaded. a special scene will play where Cassie has Yonas’s face, having fun with the old man, then having forced fun with the old man until he is defeated.

Upon defeating Cassie’s android, her head will fall off and the old man will order Cassie’s android to kill Yona, but she will turn around and behead him, both collapsing to the ground. you will then obtain the Cassie Brain.

In the northeast of the room is a door you can open granting access to the lab. near the northernmost part of the lab is a place to set the brain in a green fog circle, where Cassie will request you get her old body for her brain and head.

Her body is in the dump in the northernmost part of the lab, and her body is in a green fog circle in the body parts part of the map. you can then return to the previous fog circle that has now reappeared to fix Cassie. When she is released, she will thank you.

Cassie is now a recruitable NPC and can be used to craft like a crafting bench.

Man Quests

Pretty Bench:
In the Chaos wastes, west of the final quest, is a blue fog wall in a ravine in the mountain. upon entering, the Giantess will drop down, threatening you for trying to kill her no matter what you say.

The Giant has 3 actions. She can crouch slightly, and then teleport a short distance. She can jump up and raise a leg, which will become a rectangular area of effect that deals a decent amount of damage, best avoided by moving perpendicular to the giant. She will raise a leg and kick downwards, dealing a massive amount of damage.

Upon defeating the Giantess, she will submit to be killed. if you kill her, you will be able to pilfer a Giant core, which can get you the giant glove from the merchant. if you leave, she will be a recruitable NPC when you return. if you grab her, you can have forced fun with her and chain her up as a prop. if you wait, a new prompt will eventually show up of Q, allowing you to seduce the giantess and have an intimate moment with her.

Behind her boss arena is her home with a pretty bench and mirror, and a chest holding the pretty bench recipe.

After defeating Takumi the first time, you will be able to begin the Reika quest line. Heading south from the Takumi fight a green fog circle, which will have Reika and Keigo have an intimate moment, giving Reika a recorded intimate moment. if you observe, Keigo and Reika’s love will increase, and if you make a noise, Keigo will lose love for Reika. this choice will minorly affect the Man questline for Reika.

There will be a blue fog circle on a hill to the east, where Man can talk with Reika if she was dumped by Keigo, either by interrupting their second intimate moment or by siding with Keigo during the Takumi questline. If you chose the option to insult Keigo, it will end the questline. If you console Reika, then she will increase her love for you by 50.

When you reach enough love from Reika (I believe 100), you can begin the next part of the questline in the same location as the previous, being turned away otherwise. If you choose either yes or no, the quest can be retried. if you choose “I love Reika” the quest will continue.

On the beach cliff slightly south of the previous quest is a blue fog ring, which will have Keigo confront Man about Reika. Keigo will ask you to let Reika go, as he still loves Reiko. If you choose to give up Reika, the quest line ends. If you choose “I love Reika”, it will affect the quest later, and you will be given a chance to give up going with the give-up choice or reconfirm it and must fight Keigo. If you choose “I just want to have fun with her” (reworded for censors), it will affect the quest later and you will be forced to fight Keigo.

Keigo has three attacks. He will slowly pull back his arm and strike once, best avoided by running through him. He will quickly pull his arm back and wait a moment before striking three times, best avoided by running behind him. He will crouch and jump to strike, best avoided by not moving and punished by a heavy attack.

After defeating Keigo, you will be given a few options. If you kill Keigo, you will be given the option to lie or tell the truth to Reika, who will become a companion you can be intimate with regardless as well as get his necklace that doubles your damage. If you observe, Reika will confront you and your previous choice will come into effect. If you tell Keigo you love Reika, she will dump Keigo for good, and you can be intimate with Reika and can get a special intimate scene if you choose to do it as a follow-up. If you choose the other option, she will dump both of you and you cannot be intimate with Reika.

Bosses, Bases, and Beats (continued 3, I’m waiting for a tree)

Man (continued)

Heading east of the lab entrance, a small break in the mountain to the south of the passage will have a blue fog wall with Shino starving to eat something in her small camp.

After that interaction, stay close to the mountain north of her until you can get on top of it without going to the mountain north of that one, there will be a blue fog circle. in that circle, Shino will stumble after failing to kill a Milky and blame you.

If you bring a steak dinner (one raw beef, one berry, one onion, one carrot all on a cooking bench), all options will be available. When you return to the first location where you met Shino, you will be given options based on whether you have the steak dinner or not. If you choose to leave, the quest will remain until another choice is made. you can kill her, which will end the quest. you can grab her and put her on a spit roast to have forced fun with her. With the steak dinner, you can give it to her, allowing you to have an intimate moment with her br*asts. if you release your desire, the quest ends and she becomes a companion. If you hold it, then she will make the intimate moment more intimate, and will become a companion you can have intimate moments with.

if you make a raft (or know where you are swimming), you can travel in the water south of Spawn Beach, then eastward at the edge of the map. You will then find the mermaid leaping from a rock. head north of that rock to an island with traversable terrain and a pool offset from it with a blue fog circle.

if you make a rainbow shell bra, all options will be available. if you have a worm and a fishing pole equipped, you can fish in the blue fog circle, obtaining a shell bra. the mermaid will approach asking for her bra. if you return it, she becomes a companion that can follow you in the water, or glitch out on land. if you keep it, … . If you give her the rainbow shell bra, she will have an intimate moment with you.

if you reject her feelings, she becomes a companion that can follow you in the water, or glitch out on land. if you accept her feelings, she will have a more intimate moment, and become a companion that you can have intimate moments with.

Worldly Possessions

Plant Bench:
In the swamp, there are many places where the mud slows you down. in the largest spot of mud are a pair of small normal terrain locations, the west one having a chest on it containing the plant bench recipe.

Wing Bench:
After exiting the cave that leads to Necks, if you stick to the south of the mountain path, you will find a small area to go west, which will lead to a chest with the Wing Bench recipe.

Sand Bench:
Going from the Scythe boss fight arena (red gem) to the northeast, you will find a village of high-level natives. there is a chest on the edge of the water containing the Sand Bench recipe.

The Merchant:
At the northwest edge of the desert and plains is a small mountain where the merchant resides. The merchant will trade many items for something useful. One berry will give you a Christmas bench full of Christmas items; one sand will give the summer bench full of beach items; one candy, one green blood, and one pumpkin will give a Halloween bench full of costumes and halloween items; one dead orb will give one Halloween raid summon; one giant orb will give a giant glove; one life orb and one rejuvenation potion will give one secret rejuvenation potion that will turn old natives into elder natives; fighter orbs can be used to gain: Diamonds, Miko outfit parts, bell necklace.


There is no strict manner in which you must build a base, or even that you need one beyond the benches and furnace required to get sufficient weapons or shields to combat the enemy if you even want to do that. There are, however, several things to keep in mind.

Walls will slow the enemy from attacking and destroying parts of your base, both of which will return in time. Spikes will damage or faint enemies, and some structures also deal damage, like the cactus wall and chest. NPCs are the best option to defend your base from raids until you are at a high enough level with a suitable weapon to deal with the enemy.

Raid occurs when a scout aggros, or spots you and attempts to kill you. sometime later, depending on the flares you have set out. When the raid is to occur, raiders will set out attempting to kidnap an NPC or even the player, though will always fail if the target is one of the MCs or named NPCs (orange status or name bar in friends list), only knocking them down instead. you can also use certain items like the horn to force summon a raid, or totems to modify the raid’s composition, increasing the level of the raiders, decreasing or increasing the number of raiders, or even turning the raiders female with the flower totem.

it has been recommended to me to have at least 2 bases, a home base from which you have all your stuff, and a flagged raid base, from which a single NPC wearing a Skull Necklace (may be wrong, I need to double-check) from the Warden guarding your captured NPC to attract the raids there. Fighter orbs can be obtained from level 50 or higher raids (must confirm) and elite NPCs can be obtained or fought at level 100 or higher (must confirm) raids.

NPCs combat, controls, and care

This chapter is all about NPCs both hostile and friendly, how to deal with them, and how to make use of them. it will be broken down first into types, then by NPC and the interactions and equipment they can have, if any.


Combat with an NPC can be tricky if you don’t know what you are doing. NPCs have several stats you need to keep in mind, including level, damage type and amount, and attack cooldowns. While I cannot give precise timings, I don’t believe I will have to, as most will really need to think that hard about combat. It is challenging, but not overly thought-provoking.

Enemies have 2 bars of health, a red and a white bar. The Red bar is standard health, dealt damage by normal weapons, unarmed attacks, and by falling off a cliff in the Ruins dungeon. Depleting the red bar will kill the NPC, and if they are not an Ally, they will remain dead permanently, something Allies will do even if you want to keep the new NPC. The White bar is Faint health, dealt damage only by faint weapons or very specific faint attacks usually after the player has been eliminated of health, but not lives. An NPC devoid of Faint can be picked up alive to be tamed later, as specified in the next part of this section.

There are many enemies out there, some that aren’t hostile until you make them so, and some never are hostile. this is a list of how to deal with each NPC with both Faint and Health damaging weapons. keep in mind that losing all faint without losing all health will result in an automatic death for the player, losing all health will down you until you have lost all 3 lives, and both you and friendly NPCs will revive unless Friendly NPCs are executed, which is an event.

In any case, pick a weapon, get a feel for its range, and its attack speed (which is modified by speed), and keep in mind your recovery from an attack. for general combat, I recommend allowing the enemy to attack while dodging it, then using a heavy attack before repeating it again and again until victory. if you specialize in a different fighting style or have mastered the bow before the Developers made it good, I salute you.

  • spider – one of the weakest enemies. Not to be confused with the Big Spider found in Dark Forests. They exist in the spider cave, going down to any melee attack worth 4 points or more. they are slow, deal very little damage, and aren’t really until they get a bigger ally to distract you. Both Faint and Normal weapons kill them, and they drop no resources.
  • bat – Bats have 8 health, are hard to see, and deal low damage. it is best to clear them out of the area you are mining before you mine. take any weapon you deal 8 or more damage with (weapon damage plus strength) and click them, or move through them as they attack and smack them from behind to ensure they can’t attack you, as they strike in a line, their whole sprite is dangerous. bring a torch, it’ll help.
  • snail – surprisingly dangerous, the snail deals 1 damage, and can hide itself below most objects in the environment. if you can find it, it’s not got a lot of health.
  • crab –
  • bee –
  • Angler –
  • Shark –
  • Werewolf –
  • Bigfoot –
  • Milky –
  • Neck –
  • Skeleton –
  • Daddy –
  • Dog Guardian –
  • Guardian –
  • Mummy –
  • Underground Man –
  • Underground Old Woman –
  • Underground Woman –
  • vampirescorpion –
  • Worm –
  • Ent –
  • Cursed Tree –
  • Whooper –
  • Leech –
  • Nepenthes –
  • Alligator –
  • Crawdad –
  • Male Native –
  • Big Native –
  • Female Native –
  • Native Girl [patch] –
  • Native Boy [patch] –
  • Native Grandpa –
  • Native Grandma –
  • Elder Brother –
  • Elder Sister –
  • Petite Native –
  • Amazon [patch] –

NPCs combat, controls, and care (continued)


Taming an NPC requires 3 things: knocking them unconscious using a faint weapon; putting them in a suitable taming space; giving them food they will eat.

Please reread the combat section for how to deal faint damage, or how to obtain an NPC by other means. regardless, there are 4 kinds of taming spaces: Wood Fence (Small), for animals like chickens, rabbits, and other small animals of equivalent size; Wood Fence (Large), for animals like Milky’s, sheep, deer, and other similarly sized animals; Iron Fence, for animals like Bears, Werewolves, Crocodiles, and anything larger than the Milky; wood and iron cage, for one native or three natives respectively.

In each of the containers is a space for another NPC beyond what it said. this space is for food. All NPCs have a preferred food to eat, which offers different amounts of taming. the time it takes to tame is how often they eat. Male Natives take 7 for a large cooked meat, but will eat less often, but also eat berries, and will need to eat more often. generally, it is best to find the food that gives the least food to fill hunger, as it will tame them the quickest. The only exception should be the NPCs that require NPCs to tame, and going with the largest one will be the best choice. increasing the stat “Likeability” will also increase the amount of taming that they receive by the percentage stated.

Once the taming has reached 100%, it will say MAX. To set an NPC free to wander, place them in your inventory, then Right click. they will begin to wander towards their spot in their taming location, as that is their current territory. simply left-click the NPC or E if they are the closest thing to you, click on the Move button at the top of the list, and then a list of new actions will appear next to the menu. Location will allow you to move the center of their territory, or where they are allowed to roam and work. the Territory slider allows you to expand and reduce their territory of work and wandering, and if reduced to nothing, will usually just idle animation. Combat area is the area in which the NPC will fight hostile NPCs that enter the area, if they can fight, and the radius expands off of the Territory. Waiting Pose is the Idle animation played when the NPC decides not to wander or isn’t allowed to wander more often.

If a Friendly NPC is killed in combat, they will simply remain in the death state until they recover a short while later, though the time extends if they have no food or water, have low morale, or a few other variables I am unaware of at this moment in time. If you go down with an NPC and must revive, there is a chance that the NPC will be “Swept Away”. if a raid occurs, hostile NPCs will seek out your camp or followers and attempt to kill an NPC, which, if successful, will make the NPC “Swept Away”.

After some time, if an NPC was Swept Away, usually on the following day, later in the evening, or even a few days later, a skull in a red circle would appear on the map, the red circle representing the raid which also shows up during the raid, though the raiders are replaced with the Warden, a Miniboss that outclasses the midgame bosses to an extent. Your NPC is very likely to be executed if you don’t save them within the 20 minutes allotted, or occasionally be force-bred if they are female.

  • spider [cave] – nothing, dies
  • Spider [dark forrest] – found in dark forests, spiders are slow.
    to tame: worm 10, butterfly 35, frog 50
  • bat – nothing, dies
  • snail –
  • crab –
  • bee –
  • Hen – useful for eggs, better to not tame and just place in the poultry farming.
    to tame: corn 40, corn seed 40, berry 10
    Follow cap: ?
  • Rooster – only useful for roast chicken, not worth taming.
    to tame: corn 40, corn seed 40, berry 10
    Follow cap: ?
  • Angler – incredibly tough and only found in the North and South Mines, these NPCs glow in the dark and are good only for a light source or extra body.
    to tame: 8 Bone.
    follow cap: 4
  • Shark – nothing, dies
  • Werewolf –
  • Bigfoot – is incredibly hard-hitting, and decently fast, taking one down is quite the challenge. great for an early and mid-game boss fight aid.
    to tame: grilled meat 7, small grilled meat 5, carrot 5, corn 5, potato 5, berry 5, red mushroom 5, grilled mushroom 6, white fish 6, red fish 6
    follow cap: 6.
  • Milky –
  • Neck –
  • Skeleton –
  • Daddy –
  • Dog Guardian –
  • Guardian –
  • Mummy –
  • Underground Man –
  • Underground Old Woman –
  • Underground Woman –
  • vampirescorpion –
  • Worm –
  • Ent –
  • Cursed Tree –
  • Whooper –
  • Leech – nothing, dies
  • Nepenthes – cannot interact, dies
  • Alligator –
  • Crawdad –
  • Male Native – The most common NPC you will find, and the better of the choices for dealing damage over an encounters length than others.
  • Big Native –
  • Female Native –
  • Native Girl [patch] –
  • Native Boy [patch] –
  • Native Grandpa –
  • Native Grandma –
  • Elder Brother –
  • Elder Sister –
  • Petite Native –
  • Amazon [patch] –

Equipables and outfits

This section will describe what different weapons and shields do, as well as who can equip what weapons and shields, and who can equip what outfits. crafting recipes and locations are not here, and will be in the materials, crafting, and crafting locations section.

Tools and Weapons

arrow/feather arrow, iron arrow:
personal craft.
useless on its own, each one is used up when shooting the bow as Man or Yona, as NPCs automatically use Feather Arrows and do not use arrows in the inventory. arrow is inaccurate and short-range, dealing 30% of the bow’s max damage. feather arrow is accurate and short-range, dealing 50% of the bow’s max damage. iron arrows are accurate and long-range, and deal 80% of the bow’s damage.

personal craft
used to cut down trees, it deals 1+attack damage and is only slightly better than using nothing as a weapon. heavy attack deals (1+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Male Native, Native Boy, Female Native, Native Girl, Young Man.

personal craft
used as your first faint weapon, it deals 2 faint. the heavy attack deals 4 faint.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Male Native, Native Boy, Female Native, Native Girl, Young Man.

Pick Ax:
personal craft
used to mine Stones, it deals 1+attack damage and is only slightly better than using nothing as a weapon. heavy attack deals (1+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Male Native, Native Boy, Female Native, Native Girl, Young Man.

Wood Bow:
personal craft:
used to shoot arrows by holding right click and clicking and holding left click, releasing left click to shoot, or releasing right click to preserve the arrow. deals Strength damage as a melee, or attack*arrows max at range. F is a melee only and only functions if you are not drawing the bow, dealing roughly 2.5*attack damage.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Nami (not included), Female Native, Native Girl (best user).

Bug Net:
personal Craft
used to capture small animals with right-click that Faint Weapons would otherwise kill, it deals 1+attack damage and is better used to capture animals than even trying to use as a weapon. heavy attack deals (1+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man.

Wooden Fishing Rod:
personal Craft
used to fish in water sources with a right click and hold left click to put the marker in the green bar, it deals 1+attack damage and is better used to fish than even try to use as a weapon. heavy attack deals (1+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man.

Wooden Shovel:
Wood Bench
used to obtain soil, sand, or clay with a right click on dirt, beaches or desert, or slowing mud respectively, it deals 1+attack damage and is better used to dig than even try to use as a weapon. heavy attack deals (1+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man.

Wood Sword:
Wood Bench
a starter weapon, it deals 6+attack damage. heavy attack deals (6+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Young Man.

Wood Bench
A better faint weapon, it deals 5 faint. does 10 faint on a heavy attack.
Equipable: Yona, Man, young Man.

Wood Bench
an upgrade of the wooden sword, it deals 8+attack Damage. heavy attack deals (8+strength)*damage.
Equippable: Yona, Man, Keigo, Young Man, Elder Sister Native.

Iron Shovel:
Iron bench
a more durable shovel, it deals 1+attack damage and is better used to dig than even try to use as a weapon. heavy attack deals (1+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man.

Iron Sword:
Iron Bench
A better melee weapon, it deals 12+attack damage. heavy attack deals (12+strength)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man.

Diamond Wand:
Iron Bench
an alternative heavy weapon, it deals 20+attack damage. heavy attack sends one projectile in the direction aimed, plus an additional 2 at +/- 30 degrees of the aimed projectile, dealing (10+attack)/5 damage each.
equipable: Yona, Man, Young Man.

Diamond dagger:
Iron bench
not a knife, it deals 25+attack damage. it shoots a single projectile with a heavy attack, dealing (25+attack)/2 damage or, if getting a direct hit, (25+attack)*3 damage.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Young Man.

Iron Axe:
Iron bench
an Axe that can cut hard wood, it deals 2+attack damage and is only slightly better than using nothing as a weapon. heavy attack deals (2+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, man, Male Native, Female native, Young Man, Elder Brother Native

Diamond Axe:
Iron bench
an Axe that can cut living wood, it deals 3+attack damage and is only slightly better than using nothing as a weapon. heavy attack deals (3+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, man, Young Man

Iron Club:
Iron Bench
am upgrade faint weapon, it deals 10 faint. heavy attack deals 20 faint.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Male Native, Native Boy, Female Native, Young Man.

Diamond Club:
Iron Bench
am upgrade faint weapon, it deals 20 faint. heavy attack deals 60 faint.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Young Man.

Iron net:
Iron Bench
used to capture small animals that are more aggressive with right-click that Faint Weapons would otherwise kill, it deals 1+attack damage and is better used to capture animals than even try to use as a weapon. heavy attack deals (1+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man.

Iron Pick Ax:
Iron Bench
used to mine Chaos Ore, it deals 2+attack damage and is only slightly better than using nothing as a weapon. heavy attack deals (2+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Male Native, Female Native, Young Man.

Diamond Pick Ax:
Iron Bench
used to mine Chaos Ore, it deals 3+attack damage and is only slightly better than using nothing as a weapon. heavy attack deals (3+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Young Man.

Chaos Axe:
Iron bench
Used to mine all stone and woods, it deals 4+attack damage and is only slightly better than using nothing as a weapon. heavy attack deals (4+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man

Head Club:
Meat Bench
a simple weapon, it deals 8+attack damage. Heavy attack deals (8+attack)*? damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Young Man

Primal Saw:
Meat Bench
a better weapon before the blood weapons for natives, it deals 12+attack damage. heavy attack deals (12+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
equipable: Yona, Man, Male Native, Female Native, Young Man

Blood Sword:
Meat Bench
An alternative attack weapon great for NPCs, it deals 22+attack damage. heavy attack holds you in place as you raise the sword, destroying 3 random bodies in the area of effect that deal (22+attack)*3 damage to hostile NPCs near the bodies.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Male Native, Female Native, Young Man

Blood Knife:
Meat Bench
a knife that can be used in special dismembering, it deals 17+attack damage. heavy attack deals (17+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Native Girl, Young Man

Mens Bench
a knife that can be used in special dismembering, it deals 10+attack damage. heavy attack deals (10+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Native Girl, Young Man

Mens Bench
A bat with nails in it is best for Reika, it deals 11+attack damage. heavy attack deals (11+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Reika, Young Man

Cactus Sickle:
Sand Bench
A sickle made from cactus, it deals 15+attack damage. heavy attack deals (15+attack)*3 damage and has no special properties.
Equipable: Yona, Man, young man.

Battle Axe:
Elder Brother Native
a powerful weapon to use, it deals 22+attack damage. Heavy attack deals 22*5+attack (last I checked) and has no special properties.

Equipables and Outfits (continued)

Boss chest level 5
one of the most powerful weapons in the game, it deals 40+attack damage. heavy attack deals (40+attack)*2 damage and moves the player at an incredible speed a short distance, occasionally teleporting the player through walls and boundaries that are not stable or well defined enough to prevent high speeds from passing them.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Young Man

Magic Wand:
Boss Chest level 5
a strange little weapon, it deals 18+attack damage. heavy attack deals (18+attack)*2.5 damage and leaves a stylized heart behind that deals 2 faint damage repeatedly.
Equipable: Yona, Native Girl

Guardian Sword:
Boss equipment level 10
found in the equipment of the level 10 guardian of the ruins, it deals 40+attack damage. heavy attack deals (40+attack)*2 damage in a + shape indicated by fire.
Equipable: Yona, Man, Large Female Native, Ancient Guardian (the boss), Young Man.

Giant Club:
Large Native Equipment
only equipable by the ones they are found on, it deals 14+attack damage.
Equipable: Large Native

Large Native Equipment
only found on high-level Large Natives, it deals ?+attack damage.
Equipable: Large Native

Savage Axe:
Female Large Naive Equipment
Only equipable by the ones they are found on, it deals 27+attack damage. a heavy attack deals (27+attack)*3 damage and sends the Female Large Native dashing forward.
Equipable: Female Large Native

All others are only equipable by named characters and are found on them, so they will be ignored here, as they don’t function the same while on those characters.

Shields are confusing and take some getting used to. Right-click allows you to block with a shield, which will be referred to as a block. if you manage to block at the last moment before an enemy attack hits, it will be referred to as a perfect block. All shields, with 2 exceptions, can only be used by Man and Yona.

Wooden Shield:
wood bench
blocking reduces damage by 50%. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well.

Bone Shield:
Wood Bench
Blocking reduces damage by 75%. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well.

Iron Shield:
Iron Bench
Blocking reduces damage by 100%. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well.
your speed is reduced by 20% while it is equipped.

Spider Shield:
Spider Bench
Blocking reduces damage by 75%. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well.
Enemies who hit the shield have their speed reduced.

Cactus Shield:
Sand bench
Blocking reduces damage by 90% and deals 50% of the initial damage back to the enemy. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well.

Wing Shield:
Wing Bench
Blocking reduces damage by 90%. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well.
Your speed increases by 10% while this shield is equipped.

Shell Shield:
Wing Bench
Blocking redues damage by 90%. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well.
Your speed is reduced by 10% while this shield is equipped.

Meat Shield/Meat Shield b
Meat Bench
Blocking reduces damage by 80% and deals the initial damage back to the attacker as faint damage. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50% as well as dealing (weapon*2)+attack faint damage back to the enemy and reduce the damage to the player by 80%.

Mushroom Shield:
Plant Bench
Blocking reduces damage by 200%, turning the damage into healing. perfect blocking doubles the healing gained.

Mirror Shield:
Boss Chest level 5
blocking reflects the damage dealt back to the enemy. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 100% and reduces damage to the player by 100%.

Poison Shield:
Boss Chest level 10
Blocking reduces damage by 90% and sends out an area of poison that only affects hostile enemies, dealing damage over time. perfect blocking reduces damage to the shield by 50%.

Savage Shield:
high-level raid Large Female Native only item
large female natives can reduce damage by 90% when they block.

Pumpkin Shield:
high-level Halloween raid Large Female Native only
Large Female natives can reduce damage by 100% when blocking.

Further reading

Warlock and Boobs Walkthrough

Milfy City Walkthrough

Once in a Lifetime Walkthrough


Mad Island Walkthrough Guide (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.