Wankbreaker said:
The reverse side doesnt exist in this lostbelt, since fairies still rule the world.
Alright first thing first don't use the word reverse side of the world
Reverse side of the world refers to 2 things
1) Avalon (which is part of the observable universe, since it can be interacted with)
2) Void space also exists on the reverse side of the world (but it exists by being unobservable i.e imaginary numbers)
Be clear what you're referring to , before you start mixing the 2 together
Well judging from your other comment I believe you're talking about Avalon. What about it? It doesn't exist in lb6?
If only we had a section completely dedicated to Avalon with a special map and background music and story sections and all where we forged a weapon against threats to humanity like the PHH Avalon
Merlin says that this version is a cheap copy of the original but
1) I don't think it's any worse than the original since it has the same capabilities, capabilities like forging weapons against threats to humanity
Like a hero of justice once said "there is no rule that an imitation can't surpass the original"(jk)
2) bro just stop I'm almost convinced you didn't read the story properly or at all. Vortigern was not just going to destroy the lb6 but PHH as well which would result in the destruction of Avalon from phh. It's literally the main plot point of abyssal worm not only affecting British lost world but escaping it and spreading to PHH.
Read the story before making up presumptions
3) Fairies abandoning has absolutely nothing to do with Avalon not existing, the consequence was that a weapon wasn't created to defeat Sefar, where do you think cernunous and his priestess retreated to escape from the white titan who was hell bent on destroying civilizations and pantheons
Wankbreaker said:
So, flowery text that means nothing, cool.
That's a nice argument you got there Mr senator, care to elaborate
Apparently something you don't agree with you never bother to give a direct answer, and try to drag the conservation by saying FlOwEry lAnGuagE
Just say no that you don't believe in Zeus's capabilities because you said so so we can move on
Wankbreaker said:
The inner sea isnt mentioned here, just the physical layers of the planet?
I not gonna argue on this point much, anyone can have their opinion, since I'm pretty sure Kiara becoming the planet itself would grant her the authority to bypass Avalon since Avalon is very much part of earth, it just ignores interference up to 6th dimension
Any other statement about reverse side of the world being unobservable/untouched is about void space not Avalon
Also you yourself admitted that Albion was able to reach the entrance of Avalon just by digging through the earth (he most likely knew about the entrance that's his remanent also appeared when we wanted to enter Avalon in lb6, can't remember what he said thou something something about judging)
Wankbreaker said:
It is the "greatest defense in this world" (meaning its the most effective defensive noble phantasm), and can block true magic, which what do you know, Goetia's plan uses the 5th magic!
Since this is main point you're stuck at I'll deal with now
"The Fifth Magic (第五魔法, Daigo Mahō): also known as Magic Blue (魔法・青, Mahō Ao); Its exact domain is unknown, but it has abilities related to Time Travel (時間旅行, Jikan Ryokō) and making the laws of conservation of mass shoulder the debts of a past without future."
(I'm not too familiar with tsukihime,any tsukihime fan can correct me if I'm wrong here with explanation )
So this is the main issue right
Well FIRST I mean once again you've completely butchered Goetia's abilities by using assumptions
It explicitly says"unknown and time travel, time related abilities"
1) You don't know the difference between goetia's AAS and HUMAN ORDER INCINERATION
2) Human order incineration aka Goetia's master plan to use humanity as a fuel to go back in time to recreate the planet without death , what do you know that's time travel and it's only hinted to be somewhat similar to true magic and not exactly the same thing. Mind showing me where it states that it's the exact same thing
3)AAS :is the third Noble Phantasm of King Solomon The "|" of original sin. At a first glance, it looks like a ring of light that encircles the Earth.In reality, it is an aggregation of hundreds of millions of beams of light, cast over the satellite orbit and with a size close if not equal to that of North America.Each one of these lines carries extreme damage values comparable to Excalibur, an A Rank Noble Phantasm. The band of light is made up of all the Magical Energy gathered from Earth and the entire era where it manifests"
4) you saying Avalon blocks true magic like the 5th only proves that since it's somewhat similar Only Avalon maybe able to resist the effects of time travel and nothing else since the time travel part is related to the 5th
How exactly this help Avalon against AAS which is a giant space Laser(there I said it, it couldn't be simpler) break apart the planet itself
Unless you also most definitely believe that time travel and space lasers are of the same category
Wankbreaker said:
It's defense also "goes beyond the level of just mere defense"
Again with Avalon glazing I already told you this proves nothing and I can make the exact same argument for Lord Camelot
""Goes beyond the level of just mere defense"
You know what that sounds like, yeah sounds like FloWeRy lAnGuage since goetia , vortigern and Zeus says otherwise
Wankbreaker said:
read kara no kyoukai. the counter force isnt a shield. who told you this?
だが近代になってこの呼び名は使われないな。文明が発達して、人間が自分達自身を滅ぼすなんて事は簡単になってしまった。どこぞの企業の会長が全財力を傾けてアマゾンの森林の伐採量を増やせば、一年後にも地球は終わる。ほら、いつでもどこでも地球のピンチだろ? 抑止力に衝き動かされて誰も知らないうちに世界を救っている、なんて輩やからはごまんといるんだ。英雄は一世代に一人だけ。世界を救う、なんて程度の事じゃあ現代では英雄とは呼ばれない。また、このaが人間の手におえない場合、抑止力は自然現象となってaもろとも周囲を消滅させる。大昔、どこぞの大陸が沈んだのもこいつの仕業さ。
Considering how quickly you replied yesterday I'm sure you didn't read my comment properly
Holy shit bro pulled out a japanese paragraph when he completely misread what I said (I can't even speak Japanese )
Where did I say that counter force is a literal shield
The main point that I was trying to make was that counter force is very efficient and deals with threats to humanity before they can do any permanent damage to Earth since counter force is not bound by time and is extremely intelligent
Even koyanskaya admits as much in Tunguska that even thou Taigong Wang's spell failed , he still was the best possible candidate to deal with her